
Study on the Current Situation and Countermeasures for Allocation of Public Health Resource in Rural Areas of China

  • 摘要: 分析了我国大陆农村公共卫生资源配置存在的经费投入不足、机构设置未达到全覆盖、现有人力资源难以满足需要、资源配置结构性失调等问题,提出制定引导公共卫生资源向农村流动的相关政策、强化政府公共财政投入责任、加强农村公共卫生机构建设、提升公共卫生人力资源素质、调整农村公共卫生资源配置结构、推进乡村一体化管理等对策,为提高农村公共卫生服务水平、推动基本公共卫生服务城乡均等化进程提供参考。


    Abstract: This paper analyzed the challenges facing allocation of public health resources in rural areas of China, such as not well-funded services, not fully-covered health institutions, shortage of human resources, and structural imbalance in resource allocation. In order to improve the quality of public health services in rural areas and promote the resource-equalization in rural and urban areas, this paper came out with the following countermeasures:formulating policies preferential to influx of resources into rural areas, strengthening government's responsibility in public funding, constructing more and better public health facilities in rural areas, strengthening capacity of public health services in rural areas, adjusting the structure of resource allocation, improving the efficiency of resources utilization by urban-rural integrated management.


