Objective To study the effects of Haierfu on mice treated with fluoride and provide evidences forendemic fluorosis treatment.
Methods A total of 30 mice were divided into 3 groups randomly:the control group, the model group (100 mg/L Naf)and the treated group (100 mg/L Naf+ Haierfu oral solution). After the treatement applied, observed histological changes, determined fluoride in blood, bone tissue and feces, as well as malony diadehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px) in kidney tissues.
Results The fluorides in blood and bone tissue were the highest in the model group(5.68& #177;1.42) mol/L) and(2.97& #177;1.92) mol/L, respectively, compared to the treated group(3.53& #177;0.68)mol/L and (1.19& #177;0.76)mol/L), P<0.01. The fluoride in feces was higher in the treated group (0.76& #177;0.18)mol/L), compared to the other groups, P<0.01. The MDA, the activities of SOD and GSH-Px in the kidney tissue of the model group were (146.18& #177;17.23) μmol/L,(100.23& #177;16.34)& #215;103 U/L,(92.35& #177;7.83) U, respectively; and(9.05& #177;2.62) μmol/L,(379.08& #177;10.02)& #215;103 U/L and (342.04& #177;13.65)U in the control group respectively and (72.46& #177;5.83)μmol/L(, 340.52& #177;11.06)& #215;103 U/L, (261.87& #177;11.46)U in the treated group respectively.The model group showed higher values in these three items than the other two groups, P<0.01.
Conclusion Haierfu could play some treating role to mice having fluorosis.