
Drug Rash in 199 Cases Caused by NaDMPS Treatment for Dispelling Mercury

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析二巯基丙磺酸钠(NaDMPS)在驱汞治疗中所致的药疹反应。

    方法 对 1967~1994年间 199例因接触汞导致尿汞增高, 并住院采用 NaDMPS 驱汞治疗后发生药疹反应的病例进行回顾性资料分析。

    结果 199例住院病例中 20例用 NaDMPS 驱汞治疗后出现躯干、四肢皮肤片状红斑、丘疹药疹反应。药疹发病年龄以 19~30岁为主,NaDMPS驱汞治疗第 4疗程后药疹发病率普遍增高。

    结论 NaDMPS 驱汞治疗时, 第 3疗程为关键疗程, 如需继续第4疗程驱汞治疗, 应严格控制, 间隔一定的时间再进行。避免患者由于疗程或次数的增加、药量累积等因素在驱汞治疗中产生药疹反应。


    Objective To study the drug rash reactions caused by NaDMPS treatment in mercury exposure cases.

    Methods A retrospective analysis was carried out on 199 mercury exposure cases from 1967 through 1994, in them urine mercury concentration was elevated and drug rashes occurred after administration of NaDMPS.

    Results In 20 of the 199 cases, longitudinal red spots and rashes were observed on their trunk and extremities whom were subjected to NaDMPS treatment for mercury exposure. The majority of drug rash patients ranged in ages from 19 to 30 and it was noted that the occurance rate of drug rash increased dramatically after the 4th period of NaDMPS treatment.

    Conclusion Based on the study results, it should be noted that the 3rd period was crucial in the NaDMPS treatment for mercury exposure. While the 4th period of treatment is considered necessary, an interval should be rendered before it. Moreover, the occurance rate of drug rash is correlated with the augmentation of treatment and accumulation of drug doses.


