
Safety Management of Chemistry Laboratory in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析影响疾病预防控制系统化学实验室安全的因素,完善安全管理,防止事故的发生。

    方法 通过对化学实验室安全隐患的识别,并就如何培养良好的实验行为,健全安全管理体系,制定应急预案及演练,关注环境的保护,加强实验安全培训等进行探究。

    结果 化学实验室的安全建设,必须坚持“安全第一,预防为主”的原则,以完善的安全管理体系、持续的培训、良好的实验行为、完备的应急预案,为实验和科研创造一个安全的工作环境。

    结论 把实验室安全工作纳入疾控文化建设的范畴,将有效消除不安全环境和不安全行为,防止事故的发生。


    Objective To analyze the factors of safety of chemistry laboratory in centers for disease control and prevention for better safety management and accident prevention.

    Methods Potential safety hazards in chemistry laboratories were identified. Besides, developing good experimental practices, improving safety management system, designing emergency response plan, focusing on environmental protection, and enhancing training on experimental safety were also included in this article.

    Results The security construction chemistry laboratory must follow the principle of “safety first, prevention foremost”. Improved safety management systems, continual training, good experimental behaviors, and perfect emergency plans are essential to a safe working environment for both experiment and research.

    Conclusion The integration of laboratory safety into the culture construction of disease control and prevention system will effectively control safety hazards and unsafe practices and prevent accidents.


