
Health risk assessment of acrylamide contamination in fried and baked foods from 2009 to 2016 in Shanghai residents

  • 摘要:
    背景 丙烯酰胺自2002年在食品中被发现以来就备受关注。食品中的丙烯酰胺是富含碳水化合物的食品经高温加热发生美拉德反应而产生的,具有致畸、致癌和神经毒性。
    目的 掌握上海市售油炸焙烤类食品中丙烯酰胺的污染状况及居民油炸焙烤类食品的消费情况,科学评估食品中丙烯酰胺摄入而导致的人群健康风险。
    方法 采用分层随机抽样的方法采集油炸焙烤类食品样品,采用气相色谱-质谱法测定食品中的丙烯酰胺。运用食物频率表法入户调查人群油炸焙烤类食品消费量。建立暴露量评估模型计算人群丙烯酰胺暴露量,应用@Risk 7.5软件并根据Monte Carlo原理模拟计算并获得人群丙烯酰胺暴露水平概率分布。按照遗传毒性致癌物风险评估方式,运用低剂量外推法评估人群因食用油炸焙烤类食物而摄入丙烯酰胺所导致的非致癌性效应和致癌性效应的健康风险。
    结果 本研究检测的1 049件油炸焙烤类食品中,丙烯酰胺质量分数均数为51.88 μg·kg-1;油炸膨化小食品中丙烯酰胺质量分数最高,均数为89.43 μg·kg-1。上海市常住居民油炸焙烤类食品消费量均数为82.85 g·d-1;未成年人(3~17岁)消费量最高,均数为96.41 g·d-1。上海市居民油炸焙烤类食品中丙烯酰胺暴露的一般摄入水平(以均数来衡量)和高摄入水平(以第95百分位数来衡量)分别为0.16、0.41 μg·kg-1·d-1。未成年人(3~17岁)暴露量最高,一般摄入水平及高摄入水平暴露量分别为0.24、0.59 μg·kg-1·d-1。非致癌性效应风险评估结果显示,本市全人群、未成年人、青年人、老年人中风险人群比例分别为0.60%、2.60%、0.40%及0.20%,中年人、孕妇尚无相应风险。致癌性效应风险评估结果显示,本市一般及高摄入水平人群终生致癌风险分别为1.08×10-4及2.28×10-4
    结论 本市居民食用油炸焙烤类食品摄入丙烯酰胺的健康风险较我国总体水平偏高,尤其是未成年人(3~17岁)属于高风险人群,需引起高度关注。


    Background Acrylamide has attracted much attention since it was found in food in 2002. Acrylamide is formed in high-temperature fried starch-rich food during the Maillard reaction, and has been identified as a teratogenic, carcinogenic, and neurotoxic compound.
    Objective This study is designed to assess the health risk of exposure to acrylamide related to the consumption of retail fried and baked foods from Shanghai markets using the food consumption data and the data of acrylamide contamination in these foods.
    Methods A stratified random sampling method was used to select fried and baked food samples, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to determine acrylamide in food samples. Food consumption was investigated by food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Population's probability distributions of acrylamide exposure were assessed by@Risk 7.5 software and Monte Carlo simulation algorithm. According to the dietary intake assessment model, the method of low-dose extrapolation was applied to the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk assessments of exposure to acrylamide related to the consumption of retail fried and baked foods.
    Results The mean concentration of acrylamide in 1049 fried and baked food samples was 51.88μg·kg-1. Among different types of foods, the fried and puffed foods had the highest concentration of acrylamide (89.43μg·kg-1 in mean). The mean consumption of fried and baked foods by residents in Shanghai was 82.85 g·d-1. Among all investigated age groups, the juveniles (3-17 years old) had the highest consumption with a mean of 96.41g·d-1. The dietary exposure to acrylamide from fried and baked foods in Shanghai residents averaged 0.16 μg·kg-1·d-1 (average level) and the P95 exposure valued 0.41 μg·kg-1·d-1 (high level). Particularly, the average-and high-level exposure estimates for the juveniles (3-17 years old) were 0.24 and 0.59 μg·kg-1·d-1, respectively. In terms of non-carcinogenic effects, the proportions of at-risk residents defined as with an exposure higher than the reference dose were 0.60%, 2.60%, 0.40%, and 0.20% in the all age group, juveniles, young adults, and the elderly, respectively, and no risk in middle-aged adults and pregnant women. In terms of carcinogenic effects, the incremental lifetime cancer risks of the studied population at average level and high level of intake were 1.08×10-4 and 2.28×10-4, respectively.
    Conclusion The Shanghai residents have a higher risk of impaired health due to exposure to acrylamide from fried and baked foods than residents in other regions of China. Children and adolescents at 3-17 years are at a high risk and should be highly concerned.


