
Common toxins in food poisoning and their detection technologies

  • 摘要: 食物中毒是摄入含有生物性、化学性有毒有害物质的食品,或把有毒有害物质当作食品摄入后所出现的非传染性的急性、亚急性疾病,其中有毒动植物及毒蘑菇中毒引起的死亡人数最多。此类中毒由食入天然毒素引起,但天然毒素种类繁多、结构多样、致毒剂量小,因此检测难度较大,使食物中毒应急处置工作面临巨大挑战。本文总结了此类典型毒素成分、中毒后临床症状,回顾了检测技术,并指出目前检测方面仍面临的诸多挑战及未来发展。


    Abstract: Food poisoning is a non-infectious acute and subacute disease that occurs after ingesting food containing biological or chemical toxins or consuming toxic and harmful substances as food. Most deaths from food poisoning are caused by poisonous animals, plants, and mushrooms which contain natural toxins. Due to the high variety and large number of toxins and often with a low toxic dose, the emergency response capabilities for treating food poisoning face daunting challenges. This article summarized the typical toxin components, clinical symptoms, and detection technologies, and proposed the challenges of toxin detection and future development.


