
Sleep quality of first-line medical workers fighting against COVID-19 in Wuhan

  • 摘要:
    背景 睡眠与免疫功能及人体健康关系紧密,睡眠充足是人体健康的重要基础。
    目的 了解突发新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下,援助武汉抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎一线医疗队医护人员的睡眠状况及其影响因素,为保障突发公共卫生事件中一线医护人员睡眠质量提供参考依据。
    方法 通过便利抽样,采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情高发期间112名支援武汉抗疫一线的医疗队成员(简称抗疫一线组)与同时期134名非湖北省未支援武汉抗疫一线的医护人员(简称非抗疫一线组)进行调查。根据PSQI量表总得分判断并比较两组人员睡眠障碍发生情况;同时根据PSQI量表中7个因子(主观睡眠质量、入睡时间、持续睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠紊乱、使用睡眠药物、白天功能紊乱)的评分,比较两组人员的睡眠质量。另外,通过自制问卷调查医护人员在重大传染病疫情下的普遍顾虑及抗疫一线人员的时间分配特点。
    结果 两组医护人员在性别、年龄、职称、学历、婚姻状况、子女数、工作年限等人口学资料差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。抗疫一线组有62人(55.36%)发生睡眠障碍,非抗疫一线组有54人(40.30%)发生睡眠障碍,组间差异有统计学意义(P=0.008);PSQI量表7个因子中:抗疫一线组因子3“睡眠时间评分”的中位数为1.5,高于非抗疫一线组(中位数为1.0);因子4 “睡眠效率评分”的中位数为1.0,高于非抗疫一线组(中位数为0),二者组间差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.001)。实际睡眠时间,抗疫一线组为(5.65±1.15)h,小于非抗疫一线组的(7.00±1.40)h,组间差异有统计学意义(P < 0.001)。医护人员在疫情期间所“担心的事情”在两组间分布有所不同,抗疫一线组前三位为自己被感染(76.79%)、身体过于劳累(37.50%)和工作负荷太重(27.68%);非抗疫一线组为家人被感染(53.73%)、自己被感染(45.52%)和子女照顾问题(33.58%)。
    结论 武汉抗疫一线组医疗队员睡眠质量较差,睡眠时间短,睡眠效率低,存在睡眠紊乱,有较多思想顾虑。对于参加突发应急任务的医护人员,有必要采取适当措施提高其睡眠质量以更好应对抗疫任务。


    Background Sleep is closely related to immune function and human health, and adequate sleep is an important foundation for human health.
    Objective This study investigates the sleep status of the first-line medical staff in Wuhan in a fight against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, provides reference for improving the sleep quality of the first-line medical staff in public health emergencies.
    Methods Through convenience sampling, 112 medical workers (first-line group) who aided the COVID-19 fight in Wuhan and 134 medical staff (non-first-line group) who did not participate in the fight were selected. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was employed to collect data on the incidence of sleep disorders, time to fall asleep, duration of sleep, sleep efficiency, sleep disorders, use of sleep aid, and daytime functions. In addition, a self-made questionnaire was used to investigate the common concerns and time allocation characteristics of the first-line medical workers in the context of major infectious disease outbreaks.
    Results There were no significant differences between the two groups in demographic variables such as gender, age, job title, educational background, marriage status, number of children, and working years (P>0.05). In the first-line group, 62 medical workers (55.36%) reported sleep disorders, while in the non-first-line group, 54 medical workers (40.30%) did; the difference was statistically significant (P=0.008). Among the seven components of the PSQI, the median sleep time (component 3) score of the first-line group was 1.5, which was higher than that of the non-first-line group (median 1.0) (P < 0.001); the median sleep efficiency (component 4) score of the first-line group was 1.0, which was higher than that of the non-first-line group (median 0) (P < 0.001). The actual sleep duration of the first-line group(5.65±1.15) h was lower than that of the non-first-line group(7.00±1.40) h (P < 0.001). The distributions of common concerns were different between the two group. The top three concerns were being infected (76.79%), exhausted (37.50%), and overloaded (27.68%) in the first-line group, and family members being infected (53.73%), being infected (45.52%), and child care (33.58%) in the non-first-line group.
    Conclusion The first-line medical team members report poor sleep quality, short sleep time, low sleep efficiency, sleep disorders, and many psychological concerns. It is necessary to take appropriate measures to improve their sleep quality.


