刘斌, 陈慧峰, 闫雪华, 黄梓培, 余日安. 广东省某供电企业员工职业紧张及其影响因素分析:基于付出-回报失衡模式[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2020, 37(3): 225-230. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19582
引用本文: 刘斌, 陈慧峰, 闫雪华, 黄梓培, 余日安. 广东省某供电企业员工职业紧张及其影响因素分析:基于付出-回报失衡模式[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2020, 37(3): 225-230. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19582
LIU Bin, CHEN Hui-feng, YAN Xue-hua, HUANG Zi-pei, YU Ri-an. Analysis of correlation between occupational stress and influencing factors of employees of a power supply company in Guangdong: Based on effort-reward imbalance model[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2020, 37(3): 225-230. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19582
Citation: LIU Bin, CHEN Hui-feng, YAN Xue-hua, HUANG Zi-pei, YU Ri-an. Analysis of correlation between occupational stress and influencing factors of employees of a power supply company in Guangdong: Based on effort-reward imbalance model[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2020, 37(3): 225-230. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19582


Analysis of correlation between occupational stress and influencing factors of employees of a power supply company in Guangdong: Based on effort-reward imbalance model

  • 摘要:
    背景 随着我国经济的快速发展,职业人群感受到的工作压力迅速增加,职业紧张对职业人群身心健康的影响已成为一个重要的公共卫生问题。供电企业存在的应激源较多,是职业紧张的高发行业。目前我国供电企业工人职业紧张相关研究缺乏,特别是关于职业性有害因素暴露对工人职业紧张的影响方面。
    目的 通过对广东某供电企业职工进行问卷调查,掌握其职业紧张现状,探讨职业紧张及其影响因素,为制定职业紧张干预措施提供依据。
    方法 2019年5月采用横断面研究设计,选取广东某供电企业1 091名员工为研究对象。结合供电企业行业特点进行一般情况问卷设计,收集研究对象的基本情况信息。使用付出-回报失衡量表的ERI指数对职业紧张进行评估,ERI指数=付出得分/(回报得分×0.545 4),若ERI指数> 1则为高度职业紧张。采用卡方检验比较不同人口学特征、职业特征、生活行为方式和职业病危害因素接触人群的高度职业紧张检出率的差异。采用多因素logistic回归对高度职业紧张影响因素进行分析。
    结果 此次调查共发放问卷1 091份,回收有效问卷972份,问卷有效回收率89.1%。调查对象包括男性859人(占88.4%),女性113人(占11.6%)。检出高度职业紧张者514人,检出率为52.9%。供电企业职工高度职业紧张的检出率:男性高于女性;已婚职工高于未婚者;年龄 < 30岁的职工低于30岁及以上者;调度工和检修工高于其他工种;收入高的职工高于收入低者;睡眠时间 < 6 h的职工高于7 h及以上者;饮酒者高于不饮酒者;接触噪声、电磁辐射和高温高空作业、视屏作业的职工高于不接触此类因素的职工;差异均具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。logistic回归分析结果显示,与 < 30岁职工相比,30岁~(OR=2.438,95% CI:1.507~3.943)和40岁~(OR=2.407,95% CI:1.472~3.934)职工发生高度职业紧张风险较高;与客服及其他工种相比,检修工和调度工发生高度职业紧张风险较高(OR=1.841,95% CI:1.140~2.973;OR=2.417,95% CI:1.149~5.083);与睡眠时间>7 h者相比,睡眠时间 < 6 h及6~7 h者发生高度职业紧张风险较高(OR=1.735,95% CI:1.182~2.547;OR=1.518,95% CI:1.069~2.115);与不接触视屏作业者相比,接触视屏作业者发生高度职业紧张风险较高(OR=1.419,95% CI:1.043~1.932)。
    结论 该供电企业职工高度职业紧张检出率较高,年龄在30岁以上、检修和调度人员、睡眠时间短、接触视屏作业是高度职业紧张发生的危险因素。


    Background With the rapid development of China's economy, the working pressure of occupational population has increased rapidly, and the impacts of occupational stress on the physical and mental health of occupational population are becoming an important public health issue. Power supply companies are high risk industries of occupational stress covering many stressors. At present, no systematic research on occupational stress among workers in power supply companies has been reported, especially the impacts of occupational hazardous factors on occupational stress of workers.
    Objective The study aims to obtain the current status of occupational stress, explore the correlation between occupational stress and influencing factors, and provide a basis for formulating occupational stress intervention measures through a questionnaire survey of employees of a power supply company in Guangdong.
    Methods A cross-sectional study design was adopted and 1 091 employees of a power supply company in Guangdong were selected in May 2019. A general information questionnaire tailored to power supply companies was designed and distributed to collect basic information of the subjects. Occupational stress was assessed by effort-reward imbalance (ERI) indexERI=effort score/(reward score×0.545 4) of ERI scale, and ERI index > 1 was defined as having high occupational stress. Chi-square test was used to compare the differences of occupational stress rate among groups with different individual characteristics, occupational characteristics, lifestyles, and exposures to occupational hazardous factors. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of high occupational stress.
    Results A total of 1 091 questionnaires were distributed in this survey, and 972 (89.1%) valid questionnaires were returned. The respondents included 859 men (88.4%) and 113 women (11.6%). There were 514 (52.9%) subjects with high occupational stress. The prevalence rate of high occupational stress were higher in men than in women, higher among married employees than among single employees, higher in employees at and over 30 years of age than in those below 30 years, higher in dispatching and maintenance workers than in other types of workers, higher in high-income-level employees than in low-income-level employees, higher in employees with < 6h sleeping time than in those with >7 h, higher in employees with alcohol consumption than in those without, and higher in those exposed to noise, electromagnetic radiation, high temperature and high altitude, and visual display terminal than in those not; these differences were all statistically significant (P < 0.05). The logistic regression analysis results showed that compared with the workers at the age of < 30 years, those at the age of 30-years and 40-years had a higher risk for high occupational stress (OR=2.438, 95% CI:1.507-3.943; OR=2.407, 95% CI:1.472-3.934, respectively); compared with customer service and other types of workers, the maintenance and dispatching workers had a higher risk for high occupational stress (OR=1.841, 95% CI:1.140-2.973; OR=2.417, 95% CI:1.149-5.083, respectively); compared with the employees who slept >7h every day, those who slept < 6h and 6-7h every day had a higher risk for high occupational stress (OR=1.735, 95% CI:1.182-2.547; OR=1.518, 95% CI:1.069-2.115, respectively); compared with those without visual display terminal exposure, the employees with such exposure had a higher risk for high occupational stress (OR=1.419, 95% CI:1.043-1.932).
    Conclusion The employees of the selected power supply company generally have a high rate of high occupational stress. Aged above 30 years, at maintenance and dispatch positions, with short sleeping duration, and with exposure to visual display terminal are risk factors of high occupational stress.


