吴辉, 谷桂珍, 李富冉, 周文慧, 邵建中, 余善法. 心理资本在职业紧张与睡眠障碍关联中的作用:基于天然气田采气工[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2020, 37(3): 237-242. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19554
引用本文: 吴辉, 谷桂珍, 李富冉, 周文慧, 邵建中, 余善法. 心理资本在职业紧张与睡眠障碍关联中的作用:基于天然气田采气工[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2020, 37(3): 237-242. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19554
WU Hui, GU Gui-zhen, LI Fu-ran, ZHOU Wen-hui, SHAO Jian-zhong, YU Shan-fa. Effect of psychological capital on association between occupational stress and sleep disorders among natural gas drilling workers[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2020, 37(3): 237-242. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19554
Citation: WU Hui, GU Gui-zhen, LI Fu-ran, ZHOU Wen-hui, SHAO Jian-zhong, YU Shan-fa. Effect of psychological capital on association between occupational stress and sleep disorders among natural gas drilling workers[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2020, 37(3): 237-242. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19554


Effect of psychological capital on association between occupational stress and sleep disorders among natural gas drilling workers

  • 摘要:
    背景 降低职业紧张程度从而减少睡眠障碍的发生成为职业人群的迫切需求,但措施有限、效果并不明显。心理资本是积极心理学的重要因子,与很多心理健康因素关系密切,对个人行为、情绪状态、工作态度、满意度和绩效等存在积极影响。
    目的 从积极心理学的视角,探讨心理资本在职业紧张与睡眠障碍关联中的调节或中介作用,为提升睡眠质量提供新的科学依据。
    方法 采用整群抽样方法,于2018年10月抽取某天然气田357名采气工进行心理资本、睡眠障碍和职业紧张相关因素的问卷调查。其中,心理资本量表分为自我效能、希望、韧性和乐观4个维度;通过付出-回报失衡(ERI)问卷调查职业紧张,以ERI指数>1表示付出-回报失衡,判定为高紧张水平;睡眠障碍问卷分值越大表示睡眠障碍越严重。控制人口统计学特征,对职业紧张、心理资本和睡眠障碍间的关系进行偏相关分析;以睡眠障碍为应变量,职业紧张为自变量,自我效能、希望、韧性和乐观分别为调节变量或中介变量,采用多元线性回归分析检验调节作用以及Bootstrap法分析中介作用。
    结果 收回调查问卷340份,有效问卷327份,有效回收率96.18%。研究对象中,高水平职业紧张的发生率为51.7%,自我效能、希望、韧性、乐观及睡眠障碍的总体评分分别为(25.70±4.65)、(26.08±4.55)、(26.85±3.79)、(24.58±3.03)和(13.40±5.86)分。偏相关分析结果显示,职业紧张和乐观之间呈负相关(r=-0.140,P < 0.05),与睡眠障碍呈正相关(r=0.230,P < 0.01);自我效能、希望、韧性、乐观与睡眠障碍均呈负相关(r=-0.130,P < 0.05;r=-0.120,P < 0.05;r=-0.210,P < 0.01;r=-0.220,P < 0.01)。多元线性回归分析发现,自我效能(b=-0.140,P < 0.05)、希望(b=-0.139,P < 0.05)、韧性(b=-0.319,P < 0.01)、乐观(b=-0.390,P < 0.01)对睡眠障碍均有负向影响;但自我效能、希望、韧性、乐观对职业紧张与睡眠障碍之间的关系不存在调节作用(P均> 0.05)。中介效应结果显示,仅有乐观在职业紧张与睡眠障碍之间的关系中发挥中介作用,其中介作用大小为-0.292(95% CI:-0.545~-0.038);其他三个变量(自我效能、希望、韧性)在职业紧张与睡眠障碍之间的关系中均无中介作用。
    结论 在本研究对象人群中,未见心理资本对职业紧张与睡眠障碍关系发挥调节作用,而乐观在职业紧张与睡眠障碍关系中存在中介作用。


    Background Reducing occupational stress and thus decreasing the occurrence of sleep disorders has become an urgent need of occupational population, but relevant measures are limited and associated results are not satisfactory. Psychological capital, an important factor in positive psychology, is closely related to many mental health factors, and has positive effects on individual behavior, emotional state, work attitude, satisfaction, and performance.
    Objective From the perspective of positive psychology, this paper discusses the moderating or mediating effect of psychological capital on the association between occupational stress and sleep disorders, aiming to provide a scientific basis for improving sleep quality.
    Methods A questionnaire survey of psychological capital, sleep disorders, and occupational stress was conducted among 357 drilling workers who were selected by a cluster sampling method from a natural gas field in October 2018. Psychological Capital Scale was divided into four dimensions:self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and optimism. Occupational stress was investigated by Effort-Reword Imbalance (ERI) Scale, and high occupational stress level was defined as ERI index>1. Higher scores of Sleep Disorder Scale indicated severer sleep disorders. The association among occupational stress, psychological capital, and sleep disorders was analyzed by partial correlation analysis with controlling selected demographic characteristics. The moderating or mediating effects of self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and optimism on the association between occupational stress and sleep disorders were analyzed by multivariate regression analysis or Bootstrap method.
    Results A total of 340 questionnaires and 327 valid questionnaires were received, with a valid rate of 96.18%. The incidence rate of highlevel occupational stress was 51.7%. The overall scores of self-efficacy, hope, resilience, optimism, and sleep disorders were 25.70±4.65, 26.08±4.55, 26.85±3.79, 24.58±3.03, and 13.40±5.86, respectively. The partial correlation analysis results showed that there was a negative correlation between occupational stress and optimism (r=-0.140, P < 0.05), and a positive correlation between occupational stress and sleep disorders (r=0.230, P < 0.01); self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and optimism were negatively correlated with sleep disorders (r=-0.130, P < 0.05; r=-0.120, P < 0.05; r=-0.210, P < 0.01; r=-0.220, P < 0.01, respectively). The multivariate regression analysis results found that self-efficacy (b=-0.140, P < 0.05), hope (b=-0.139, P < 0.05), resilience (b=-0.319, P < 0.01), and optimism (b=-0.390, P < 0.01) had negative effects on sleep disorders, but the four dimensions had no moderating effects on the association between occupational stress and sleep disorders (all P>0.05). The mediating effect test results showed that only optimism played a mediating role in the association between occupational stress and sleep disorders, and the mediating effect value was -0.292 (95% CI:-0.545--0.038); the other three variables (self-efficacy, hope, and resilience) did not.
    Conclusion Psychological capital has no moderating effect on the association between occupational stress and sleep disorders in the target work group, but optimism mediates the association.


