Background At present, the only natonal standard method for the determinaton of mercury in urine is cold atomic absorpton spectrometric method, which has some limitatons due to its narrow linear range and low sensitvity. Inductvely coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and direct mercury analyzer method can also be used to determine mercury in blood and urine, which are two advanced mercury determinaton methods.
Objectve A comparatve study is conducted to determine mercury in human whole blood and urine by using ICP-MS and direct mercury analyzer method.
Methods The contents of mercury in seven blood and seven urine reference materials were determined by ICP-MS and direct mercury analyzer respectvely, and the intra-day precision was calculated. At the same tme, the contents of mercury in three blood and three urine reference materials were tested for six days, and the inter-day precision and accuracy were calculated. F test was performed on the contents of mercury in 149 human blood samples and 225 human urine samples determined by the two methods.
Results The limit of detecton (LOD) and the limit of quantfcaton (LOQ) of mercury in blood samples were 0.10 μg/L and 0.50 μg/L, and the two indicators in urine samples were 0.04 μg/L and 0.14μg/L by using ICP-MS. The LOD and LOQ of mercury in blood samples were 0.40μg/L and 1.4μg/L, and the two indicators in urine samples were 0.35 μg/L and 1.1 μg/L by using direct mercury analyzer. The intra-day and inter-day precisions were both below 6.0%, and the recoveries of mercury in blood and urine were 107.1% and 89.3% by using ICP-MS. The intra-day and inter-day precisions were both below 6.0%, and the recoveries of mercury in blood and urine were 104.1% and 88.5% by using direct mercury analyzer. Both methods accurately determined blood and urine reference material samples, and there was no signifcant difference for actual human blood and urine samples (P < 0.05).
Conclusion ICP-MS method is simple and of wide linearity range. Direct mercury analyzer method is free from sample preparaton and rapid. Both methods can achieve satsfactory results on reference materials and actual human samples.