
Advances on effects of mitochondrial dynamics imbalance induced by environmental toxicants on neurogenesis

  • 摘要: 神经发生过程在人体内持续终生,线粒体融合和分裂动态过程参与了神经干细胞自我更新和定向分化的多个阶段。线粒体作为环境毒物的主要靶标,越来越多的证据表明环境毒物可通过损伤线粒体,引起神经发生障碍进而导致神经系统疾病。本文着重从线粒体动力学的分子调控机制、线粒体动力学在神经发生过程中的作用及环境毒物干扰致线粒体动力学失衡影响神经发生等方面进行阐述。


    Abstract: Neurogenesis continues throughout life. The dynamic balance between mitochondria fission and fusion regulates self-renewal and differentiation of neural stem cells (NSCs). Environmental toxicants have been suggested to be involved in neurological disorders by damaging mitochondria which are the target of environmental toxicants. This review summarized the molecular mechanism of mitochondrial dynamics, their role in the process of neurogenesis, and the effects of mitochondrial dynamics imbalance induced by environmental toxicants on neurogenesis.


