张雪娟, 樊晶光, 王海椒, 刘丽华, 杨秋月, 邹晓雪. 基于知识图谱的电焊烟尘研究可视化分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2018, 35(10): 917-923. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2018.18152
引用本文: 张雪娟, 樊晶光, 王海椒, 刘丽华, 杨秋月, 邹晓雪. 基于知识图谱的电焊烟尘研究可视化分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2018, 35(10): 917-923. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2018.18152
ZHANG Xue-juan, FAN Jing-guang, WANG Hai-jiao, LIU Li-hua, YANG Qiu-yue, ZOU Xiao-xue. Mapping knowledge domain based visualization analysis on welding fume themed scientific reports[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2018, 35(10): 917-923. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2018.18152
Citation: ZHANG Xue-juan, FAN Jing-guang, WANG Hai-jiao, LIU Li-hua, YANG Qiu-yue, ZOU Xiao-xue. Mapping knowledge domain based visualization analysis on welding fume themed scientific reports[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2018, 35(10): 917-923. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2018.18152


Mapping knowledge domain based visualization analysis on welding fume themed scientific reports

  • 摘要:
    目的 直观展现国际范围内电焊烟尘的研究热点及发展趋势。

    方法 以Web of Science TM核心集数据库中收录的1941—2017年电焊烟尘研究的文献为数据源,运用Cite Space(5.0.R1.SE.9.4)软件进行共引分析和突现分析,获得研究国家、机构和作者分布图谱,以及高频关键词、高频突现词和突现引文图谱。

    结果 1941—2017年,电焊烟尘研究发文量排在前五位的国家依次为美国、德国、英国、韩国、瑞典,排在前两位的研究机构为美国国家职业安全与卫生研究院和哈佛大学,排在首位的研究作者为ANTONINI J M。高频关键词包括暴露、焊工、焊接、锰,以及炎症、疾病等。通过突现分析,将研究前沿分为两个阶段:第一阶段为电焊烟尘致肺损伤与肺炎症的机制研究,高频突增文献以人群对照组试验、动物试验的研究为主,高频突现词以“电焊工”“实验室大鼠”“风险”“试管实验”为主;第二阶段为颗粒物研究,高频突现词为“超细粒子”“纳米颗粒”“悬浮微粒”。

    结论 在发达国家,电焊烟尘研究得到高度重视。电焊烟尘致病机制的研究已相对成熟,而颗粒物的研究正在兴起。我国在电焊烟尘研究领域的研究力量相对薄弱,应加大科研投入。


    Objective To describe the hotspots and trends of worldwide research on welding fume.

    Methods Articles on welding fume published from 1941 to 2017 were retrieved from Web of Science TM core database. Cite Space (5.0.R1.SE.9.4) software was used to conduct co-citation analysis and burst analysis, and to obtain the distribution maps of countries, institutions, and authors, as well as the maps of high-frequency keywords, high-frequency burst terms, and references with strong citation burst.

    Results From 1941 to 2017, the top five countries publishing research articles on welding fume were the United States, Germany, England, Korea, and Sweden; the top two research institutions were NIOSH and Harvard University; the top one author was ANTONINI J M. The high-frequency keywords included exposure, welder, welding, manganese, inflammation, and disease. Through burst analysis, the research frontiers were divided into two phases:the first phase was study on the nosogenesis of lung injury and inflammation caused by welding fume, showing references with high-frequency burst based on case-control study and animal test and high-frequency burst terms as "arc welder" "Sprague Dawley rat" "risk" and "in vitro"; the second phase was the study of particulate matters, showing high-frequency burst term such as "ultrafine particle" "nanoparticle" and "aerosol".

    Conclusion Developed countries pay high attention to the studies of welding fume. The research on the pathogenic mechanism of welding fume has been mature, while the research of particulate matters is rising. China's research efforts in the field of welding fume are not sufficient, so more investments to the study field are required.


