吴春峰, 罗宝章, 朱珍妮, 方亚敏, 罗春燕, 郭常义. 上海市中小学生膳食铝摄入量评估[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2018, 35(6): 500-505. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2018.17740
引用本文: 吴春峰, 罗宝章, 朱珍妮, 方亚敏, 罗春燕, 郭常义. 上海市中小学生膳食铝摄入量评估[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2018, 35(6): 500-505. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2018.17740
WU Chun-feng, LUO Bao-zhang, ZHU Zhen-ni, FANG Ya-min, LUO Chun-yan, GUO Chang-yi. Assessment of dietary aluminum intake among primary and middle school students in Shanghai[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2018, 35(6): 500-505. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2018.17740
Citation: WU Chun-feng, LUO Bao-zhang, ZHU Zhen-ni, FANG Ya-min, LUO Chun-yan, GUO Chang-yi. Assessment of dietary aluminum intake among primary and middle school students in Shanghai[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2018, 35(6): 500-505. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2018.17740


Assessment of dietary aluminum intake among primary and middle school students in Shanghai

  • 摘要:
    目的 评估上海市中小学生膳食铝的摄入量。

    方法 2015年,采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法抽取本市中小学生共4 320人作为调查对象,应用3天24小时膳食回顾法开展膳食调查,采用总膳食研究方法进行食物聚类、膳食样品制备及铝含量检测,评估中小学生膳食铝的摄入量水平。

    结果 上海市中小学生膳食调查完成3 970人。中小学生除调味品与烹饪用油以外每日膳食消费总量为1 853.42 g/d,高中生膳食消费量(2938.91g/d)高于初中生(1991.65g/d)和小学高、低年级学生(1648.75、1531.18g/d)(F=214.11,P < 0.01);城市中心地区学生(1 932.56 g/d)膳食消费量高于城郊结合区和远郊地区(1 686.44和1 777.70 g/d)(F=27.18,P < 0.01)。膳食样品中铝平均质量分数(简称“含量”)为4.61 mg/kg,所有膳食样品中铝含量均未超出国家限量标准(100 mg/kg)。中小学生平均每周膳食铝摄入量为1.06 mg/kg(以每千克体重计),共有5.65%的中小学生膳食铝摄入量超过每周耐受摄入量(provisional tolerable weekly intake,PTWI),膳食铝摄入的主要来源为乳类、谷类、饮料及水。不同年级学生膳食铝摄入量不尽相同,有10.78%的低年级小学生膳食铝摄入量超过PTWI。不同地区、不同性别学生膳食铝摄入量差异无统计学意义。

    结论 上海市中小学生膳食铝摄入量总体处于较低水平,但仍须预防低年级小学生膳食铝摄入引起的健康风险。


    Objective To assess the dietary aluminum intake of primary and middle school students in Shanghai.

    Methods In 2015, primary and middle school students (n=4 320) in Shanghai were enrolled by multi-stage stratified random sampling method. A diet survey was conducted by 24-hour diet recall method in three consecutive days, followed by food aggregation according to total diet study, food sampling and preparation, and determination of aluminum concentration in the samples to assess the dietary exposure level of aluminum in students.

    Results A total of 3 970 primary and middle school students in Shanghai completed the survey. In addition to seasonings and cooking oil, the daily dietary consumption of total studied students was 1 853.42 g/d, and high school students (2 938.91 g/d) consumed more food than junior middle school students (1991.65g/d), grade 4-5 primary school students (1648.75g/d), and grade 1-3 primary school students (1531.18g/d). The daily dietary consumption of students in downtown areas (1 932.56g/d) was higher than that of students in urban-rural fringe area and rural area (1686.44 and 1777.70g/d) (F=27.18, P < 0.01). The average level of aluminum in dietary samples was 4.61mg/kg, and did not exceed the national limit (100mg/kg). The average weekly dietary aluminum intake was 1.06mg/kg (in terms of per kg of body weight), and 5.65% of the students' dietary aluminum intake exceeded the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI). The main sources of dietary aluminum intake were milk, grain, and drink and water. The dietary aluminum intake varied among the students grouped by grade, and 10.78% of the grade 1-3 primary school students' dietary aluminum intake exceeded PTWI. There was no difference in dietary aluminum intake among students in different regions or of different genders.

    Conclusion The dietary aluminum intake of selected primary and middle school students in Shanghai are generally at a low level; however, it is still necessary to prevent the health risks caused by excessive dietary aluminum intake in the grade 1-3 primary school students.


