
Current situation of job burnout and relevant influencing factors among neurologists in western China

  • 摘要:
    目的 探讨我国西部地区神经内科医师职业倦怠现状及其影响因素。

    方法 数据来源于中国医师协会神经内科医师分会于2014年9-12月进行的首次全国神经内科医师执业现状调研。该调研采取中国医师协会神经内科医师分会常委负责、地方医师协会协助及神经内科科室主任配合的方式,以邮件或邮寄发放自制问卷形式进行。问卷内容包括医师基本人口学信息、医师心理健康状况、职业倦怠状况和工作满意度、工作压力情况。采用单因素和二分类logistic回归分析方法对我国西部地区180家医院的1 139名神经内科医师调研结果进行分析。

    结果 神经内科医师职业倦怠率为59.4%。单因素分析发现,月收入、每周工作时间、精神共病、工作压力、工作满意度、职业认同感和对当前医疗环境看法不同者职业倦怠率分布不同(P<0.05)。logistic回归分析发现,神经内科医师工作满意低对职业倦怠影响最大(OR=5.539),其次是精神共病(OR=4.388)和较大工作压力(OR=3.971)。

    结论 我国西部地区神经内科医师职业倦怠发生率较高,主要受工作压力、工作满意度、心理健康状态、职业认同感等因素影响。


    Objective To understand the current situation of job burnout and relevant influencing factors among neurologists in western China.

    Methods The data from the first national cross-sectional survey on job burnout in neurologists were used. The survey was conducted with self-designed questionnaires by mail or e-mail, which was sponsored by the standing committee of the China Neurologist Association under the Chinese Medical Doctor Association with the assistance of local medical doctor associations and directors of neurology departments from September to December in 2014. The questionnaire included demographic characteristics, mental health, job burnout, job satisfaction, and job stress. The questionnaire results obtained from 1 139 neurologists from 180 hospitals in western China were analyzed by univariate analyses and binary logistic regression models.

    Results The prevalence rate of job burnout in the neurologists was 59.4%. The job burnout prevalence rates were significantly different among the neurologists classified by monthly income, working hours per week, psychiatric comorbidity, job stress, job satisfaction, professional self-identity, and opinion of current medical environment (P < 0.05) according to the results of one-way ANOVA. Low job satisfaction (OR=5.539), psychiatric co-morbidity (OR=4.388), and greater job stress (OR=3.971) were associated with job burnout of the studied neurologists according to the results of multiple logistic regression analysis.

    Conclusion In western China, a high prevalence rate of job burnout is identified among the selected neurologists, which is larg ely related to job stress, job satisfaction, mental health status, and professional self-identity.


