
Particulate Matter Exposure-Induced DNA Methylation: A Bibliometric Analysis Based on PubMed/MEDLINE

  • 摘要:
    目的 应用文献计量分析方法,开展颗粒物与DNA甲基化关系研究领域的文献计量学研究,定量分析该领域文献的基本特征及研究热点,为相关学者研究方向的选择提供参考和依据。
    方法 以医学主题词表(MeSH)制定检索策略,在PubMed/MEDLINE数据库进行检索,获取关于颗粒物与DNA甲基化关系研究主题的相关文献,下载存储其题录信息至TDA软件。对文献的基本信息特征进行阐述,用可视化网络图展现作者间关系,并采用共词及聚类分析方法对高频MeSH词进行热点主题分析。
    结果 获得颗粒物与DNA甲基化关系主题文章58篇。2011年开始,文章数量逐步增加;《环境与健康展望》(Environmental Health Perspectives)杂志发表 9篇文章,居首位;美国发表的文章数量最多,共46篇。关于香烟烟草烟雾污染及吸烟来源的颗粒物研究最多,中年人及老年人是流行病学研究中主要关注的研究对象,健康结局更多关注的是肺癌及哮喘,心血管方面涉及不多。颗粒物对DNA甲基化影响的研究主要集中在全基因组的甲基化,针对特异功能基因的研究尚不太多。
    结论 颗粒物与DNA甲基化关系研究是一个新兴并值得重点关注的领域,以TDA软件为基础的文献计量学方法研究,能够给生物医学研究领域的研究者提供全面信息及热点参考。


    Objective To explore the publications containing study themes focusing on effects of particulate matter (PM) on DNA methylation by bibliometric analysis, in order to provide a quantitative understanding and research highlights of literature characteristics to researchers, as well as references for future research.
    Methods  The search strategy was constructed using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms. All articles related to the effect of PM on DNA methylation were retrieved from PubMed/MEDLINE and imported into Thomson Data Analyzer (TDA) software. The basic information on characteristics of the included articles were described. Analysis on collaborative researchers and hot study themes were conducted using visualizing network and co-word & cluster analysis via high-frequency MeSH terms, respectively.
    Results  A total of 58 papers on PM and DNA methylation were retrieved. From 2011, the number of published articles in the field was growing, the Environmental Health Perspectives ranked first (9 papers), and the United States occupied the largest percentage (46 papers). Active and passive smoke exposure induced health effects received the most attention. Middle aged and aged people were the major target groups in epidemiology studies. Lung cancer and asthma were the main focused health outcomes, whereas less concern was paid to cardiovascular diseases. Compared with specific functional genes, genome-wide DNA methylation was more of concern.
    Conclusion  The relationship of PM and DNA methylation is an emerging and noteworthy research field. The bibliometric analysis based on TDA software could provide comprehensive information and hot topics for further biomedical researchers.


