
Investigation and Analysis on Chromium Rhinopathy among Workers Exposed to Low Doses of Chromium

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解某电镀厂镀铬车间空气中低剂量铬暴露工人铬鼻病的发病情况,为有效控制职业性铬鼻病的发生提供基础资料。
    方法 对该工厂镀铬车间90名铬作业工人(暴露组)和84名其他岗位工人(对照组)进行职业健康检查,并收集近年该车间不同地点空气中铬合物质量浓度(后简称“浓度”)测定结果。
    结果 镀铬车间空气中铬合物浓度 < 0.013 mg/m3,低于国家规定的车间空气中铬酸盐的最高容许浓度(0.05 mg/m3)。健康检查发现暴露组与对照组部分阳性体征(鼻中隔黏膜糜烂、鼻黏膜充血、鼻中隔黏膜溃疡)比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);铬鼻病的患病人数分别为17人和0人,患病率(分别为18.9%、0.0%)差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01);铬作业工龄 < 10年和≥10年两个工龄组铬鼻病的患病率分别为7.3%和28.6%,患病率差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),≥10年工龄者患病率较高。
    结论 铬作业工人长期接触低浓度铬合物仍可能发生铬鼻病,应积极采取防护措施,以确保劳动者的健康。


    Objective To investigate the prevalence of chromium rhinopathy among workers in an electroplating factory where they are exposed to low doses of chromium in air, and to provide basic data for effective control of occupational chromium rhinopathy.
    Methods Occupational health examinations were conducted for 90 chromium-exposed workers (exposure group) and 84 non-chromium-exposed workers (control group). Three-year air monitoring results for chromium compounds at planned sampling sites in the selected workshop were retrieved.
    Results The air chromium concentrations in air of the workplace were < 0.013 mg/m3, lower than the national maximum allowable concentration (0.05 mg/m3). Statistical differences were found between the exposure group and the control group in various positive relevant signs (nasal septum mucosa erosion, nasal mucosal congestion, and nasal septum mucosa ulcer) by occupational health examination (P < 0.05) and the counts and prevalence rates of diagnosed chromium rhinopathy (17 versus 0 and 18.9% versus 0.0%, P < 0.01, respectively). The prevalence rates of chromium rhinopathy were 7.3% for the workers with < 10 years of chromium exposed service and 28.6% for those with≥10 years of chromium exposed service, and the difference was significant (P < 0.01).
    Conclusion Long-term and low-concentration exposure to chromium compounds might still cause chromium rhinopathy in workers. Protective measures should be adopted to protect the health of workers.


