
Cross-Sectional Study on Fat Intake and Correlates in Shanghai Residents

  • 摘要:
    目的 掌握上海市居民脂肪摄入水平及食物来源,并探索脂肪提供能量比例的影响因素,为营养政策及策略制定提供科学依据。

    方法 采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,根据街道/乡镇非农人口比例将人群分为中心城区、城郊结合地区和远郊地区,在上海市所有15周岁及以上人群中抽取代表性人群样本1 944人。于2012年5-6月开展调查。采用询问调查方法收集调查对象基本情况,采用膳食调查方法收集调查对象3 d内每天24 h的膳食摄入及3 d内调味品摄入情况。

    结果 上海市居民平均能量摄入量为2 169.6 kcal,脂肪摄入量为87.0 g,脂肪供能比例为36.6%;4.8%的上海市居民脂肪供能比不足,22.0%合理,73.2%过剩。脂肪摄入来源于调味品油的占43.9%,来源于畜肉的占25.1%,来源于禽肉的占4.1%。远郊地区居民脂肪来源于调味品油的构成比在3类地区中最高(P < 0.05)。多因素分析提示年龄、受教育年限可能是上海市居民脂肪供能比的影响因素(P < 0.05)。

    结论 上海市3类地区居民均存在高脂肪膳食的问题,城市中心及城郊结合地区居民脂肪摄入倾向于动物性食物来源,远郊地区居民倾向于调味品油来源。


    Objective To study on the fat intake and its food sources among Shanghai population and explore the correlates of energy proportion contributed from fat, so as to provide scientific evidence for making nutrition policies and strategies.

    Methods Multi-stage stratified random sampling was used to obtain a representative sample of Shanghai population from strata of urban, fringe, and rural areas according to the ratio of non-agricultural registered resident counts in sub-districts to those in townships. A total of 1944 subjects of 15 years old and above were recruited in the study. Data were collected during May-June in 2012. An inquiry survey was conducted to collect subjects' basic information. A dietary survey were conducted to collect 3-day diet and condiments intake.

    Results The residents of 15 years old and above in Shanghai had an average energy intake per day as 2 169.6 kcal, average total fat intake as 87.0 g, and average energy proportion contributed from fat as 36.6%. Specifically, 4.8% of the subjects reported insufficient energy proportion contributed from fat, 22.0% reported sufficient proportion, and the other 73.2% reported excessive proportion. Food sources of fat intake included cooking oil (43.9%), livestock (25.1%), and poultry (4.1%). The rural residents consumed a higher proportion of fat intake from cooking oil than those from the urban and the fringe areas (P < 0.05). Age and years of education might be the correlates of energy proportion contributed from fat (P < 0.05) according to multivariate analysis.

    Conclusion The residents in three types of areas in Shanghai have a high fat diet pattern. The residents in urban and urban-rural fringe areas tend to intake fat from animal derived food, whereas those in rural area tend to intake from cooking oil.


