张尧, 刘道福, 周鼎伦, 兰亚佳, 黄磊. 高原地区电力运行维护工人体力劳动强度评价[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2015, 32(12): 1098-1101. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2015.15321
引用本文: 张尧, 刘道福, 周鼎伦, 兰亚佳, 黄磊. 高原地区电力运行维护工人体力劳动强度评价[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2015, 32(12): 1098-1101. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2015.15321
ZHANG Yao , LIU Dao-fu , ZHOU Ding-lun , LAN Ya-jia , HUANG Lei . Evaluation on Physical Work Intensity of Electrical Maintenance Workers in Plateau[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2015, 32(12): 1098-1101. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2015.15321
Citation: ZHANG Yao , LIU Dao-fu , ZHOU Ding-lun , LAN Ya-jia , HUANG Lei . Evaluation on Physical Work Intensity of Electrical Maintenance Workers in Plateau[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2015, 32(12): 1098-1101. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2015.15321


Evaluation on Physical Work Intensity of Electrical Maintenance Workers in Plateau

  • 摘要:
    目的 测量高原地区工作的电力运行维护(后称"运维")工人的劳动强度,并评价不同劳动强度的工人心率和血氧饱和度(SaO2)水平。

    方法 选择不同海拔高原地区的38 名在岗变电站运维和线路运维工人为调查对象,分别测量并计算不同工种、不同动作类型工人劳动强度指标及SaO2 和心率。

    结果 海拔3 600 m变电站运维工人、4 200 m变电站运维工人和线路运维工人的劳动强度指数分别为14.1、12.4 和23.6;线路运维工人劳动强度最大的动作类型是爬山和爬塔,其单项动作能量消耗率分别为3.48 和3.22 kJ/(min& #183;m2)。休息状态下,3 600~3 900 m和4 200 m海拔作业工人的SaO2 和心率相差不大。工作状态下,变电站运维工人SaO2 和心率均未超过国家卫生学限值;1 名线路运维工人的SaO2 低于85%,3 名心率超过150 次/min。

    结论 高原地区变电站运维和线路运维工人的体力劳动强度分别为Ⅰ级和Ⅲ级;爬山和爬塔两个单项动作的劳动强度大,存在工人心率和SaO2 超出国家卫生学限值的情况。


    Objective To measure the physical work intensity of electrical maintenance workers working in plateau, and evaluate the heart rate and arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) in workers performing varied physical work intensities.

    Methods Thirty-eight workers currently performing electrical maintenance tasks in plateaus with different altitudes were recruited, including transformer station maintenance workers and field wire maintenance workers. Physical work intensity indices, SaO2 , and heart rates in workers with different types of work and types of action were measured and caculated respectively.

    Results The intensity indices of physical work of transformer station workers at 3 600 m altitude and at 4 200 m altitude and of field wire maintenance workers were 14.1, 12.4, and 23.6 respectively. Mountain hiking and steel tower climbing were the two types of action with extraordinary high energy metabolic rates of 3.48 and 3.22 kJ/(min& #183;m2) respectively. The SaO2 and heart rate at 3 600-3 900 m altitude were similar to those at 4 200 m in state of rest. In state of working, the SaO2 and heart rates were within the national occupational health limits. Instead, one wire maintenance worker reported SaO2 lower than 85%, and three others' heart rates were more than 150 beats/min.

    Conclusion The physical work intensities of transformer station maintenance workers and field wire maintenance workers in plateaus are classified as Ⅰ and Ⅲ respectively. Specifically, mountain hiking and steel tower climbing have the leading two values in intensity index, which cause heart rate and SaO2 exceeding relevant national standards.


