孙中兴, 姜永根. 上海某区学校超滤直饮水水质评价及影响因素[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2015, 32(5): 436-440. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2015.15136
引用本文: 孙中兴, 姜永根. 上海某区学校超滤直饮水水质评价及影响因素[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2015, 32(5): 436-440. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2015.15136
SUN Zhong-xing , JIANG Yong-gen . Quality Assessment and Influencing Factors of Direct Drinking Water from Ultra-Filtration Devices in Schools in a District of Shanghai[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2015, 32(5): 436-440. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2015.15136
Citation: SUN Zhong-xing , JIANG Yong-gen . Quality Assessment and Influencing Factors of Direct Drinking Water from Ultra-Filtration Devices in Schools in a District of Shanghai[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2015, 32(5): 436-440. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2015.15136


Quality Assessment and Influencing Factors of Direct Drinking Water from Ultra-Filtration Devices in Schools in a District of Shanghai

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解学校超滤直饮水的质量,发现相关危险因素并进行控制,保障学生饮用水安全。

    方法 在某区22所中小学(小学12所,中学10所)中随机选取25台超滤直饮水机,在2014年2月及10月分别采集直饮水水样,应用水质综合指数法评价水质状况,通过比较直饮水与相应原水的水质综合指数值评估水质改善情况,以耗氧量去除率(原水耗氧量-直饮水耗氧量)/原水耗氧量& #215;100%表示净水能力,并采用二分类logistic回归模型分析水质改善的影响因素。

    结果 25台超滤直饮水机均以市政管网水为原水。50份超滤直饮水水样合格率为80%,不合格项目主要为菌落总数和锌。直饮水水质综合指数(0.374& #177;0.100)与管网水(0.392& #177;0.027)比较,差异无统计学意义(t=1.26,P=0.22),直饮水有机污染指标水质指数(0.084& #177;0.039)低于管网水(0.122& #177;0.024),差异有统计学意义(t=5.78,P=0.00)。直饮水水质改善率为74%,主要来自有机污染指标的改善。使用频率低(日用水量< 50 L)及设备净水能力不合格(耗氧量去除率< 25%)会增加直饮水水质恶化的危险。

    结论 本研究调查的学校超滤直饮水机能改善水中的有机污染状况,但直饮水仍存在一定卫生问题,易受到多种因素的影响。


    Objective To evaluate the water quality and identify influencing factors of ultra-filtration devices to protect drinking water safety of students.

    Methods Twenty-five watert reatment devices were randomly selected from 12 primary and 10 secondary schools in a district of Shanghai to collect direct drinking water samples in February and October 2014.The quality of direct drinking water samples was evaluated by Water Quality Index (WQI),and the improvement of water quality was evaluated by comparing WQI between treated water and source water.The elimination rate of chemical oxygen demand was utilized for the ability of water purification.Binary logistic model was applied to analyze the influencing factors of water quality improvement.

    Results The 25 ultra-filtration devices all used tap water from the municipal network water supply as the source water.The qualified rate of 50 direct drinking water samples was 80%,and the main unqualified indicators were total number of colonies and zinc.There was no significant difference in WQI of the direct drinking water samples (0.374& #177;0.100) and tap water samples (0.392& #177;0.027)(t=1.26,P=0.22).The WQI based on organic pollution index of the direct drinking water samples (0.084& #177;0.039) was significantly lower than that of tap water samples (0.122& #177;0.024)(t=5.78,P=0.00).The improved rate of water quality was 74%,and most organic pollution indices were improved.Low using frequency (water consumption < 50 L/d) and unqualified water purification ability (elimination rate of chemical oxygen demand < 25%) were the main influencing factors contributing to quality deterioration of direct drinking water.

    Conclusion Ultra-filtration devices in the selected schools can control organic pollution in direct drinking water,but hygienic issues are also identified which are influenced by several factors.


