
Triclosan:Environmental and Human Exposure

  • 摘要: 三氯生是个人护理品及日用化学品中常用的抗菌剂,曾被认为低毒而在日常生活中广泛使用。随着近年来国外研究发现其具有雌激素效应,WHO确立其为环境内分泌干扰物以来,越来越多的国家限制三氯生的使用。本文分析了三氯生在环境介质和人体生物样本中的暴露水平,结果表明三氯生不仅广泛存在于环境中,且在人体也可被大量检出,而我国在此相关方面的数据文献较匮乏。鉴于三氯生的广泛存在,未来研究应着重关注其潜在的人群健康不良效应。


    Abstract: Triclosan, an antibacterial incorporated in personal care products and household chemicals, was recognized as low toxicity and therefore widely used. In recent years, more and more countries limit the application of triclosan as it is found of estrogenic effect and classified as an endocrine disrupting chemical by the World Health Organization (WHO). This review analyzes the exposure levels of triclosan in environment as well as in human, revealing that triclosan is prevalent in both environment and human. However, data on triclosan in China are still insufficient. The extensive existence of triclosan requires more attention to its potential adverse health effects among the population.


