
Radiation to People around Patients Undergoing PET/CT Examination with 18F-FDG

  • 摘要:
    目的 计算PET/CT施行18F-FDG的受检者对周围人员(问诊医师、主治医师、亲属或陪护人员)产生的辐射剂量,以全身有效剂量表征周围人员受到的辐射大小。

    方法 使用蒙特卡罗方法建立参考人体模型和辐射模型,将周围人员分组模拟计算得到身体各个器官的当量剂量,而后代入组织权重因子计算全身有效剂量,将计算结果与国家规定的剂量限值进行比较,分析辐射对周围人员的影响。

    结果 问诊医师、主治医师、亲属或陪护人员受到的年有效剂量分别为0.55 mSv、8.0& #215;10-5 mSv和2.0& #215;10-2 mSv。周围人员受到的有效剂量远远小于国家规定的工作人员(20 mSv/a)个人剂量(1 mSv/a)限值。

    结论 PET/CT施行18F-FDG的受检者对周围人员辐射影响很小,几乎可以忽略不计。


    Objective To calculate the radiation dose to people including inquiry physicians, attending physicians, and family/nursing personnel who were around the patients undergoing 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography and computerized tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) examination, and estimate the radiation exposure using whole-body effective dose.

    Methods A reference phantom model and a radiation model were established by Monte Carlo Method. Based on the derived equivalent doses of each organ by simulation calculation using grouping patient-accompanying personnel data, whole-body effective dose was calculated by adding tissue weighting factor. Obtained results were compared to the national standard norm to evaluate the radiation exposure to patient-accompanying personnel.

    Results The average annual effective doses of inquiry physicians, attending physicians, and family/nursing personnel were 0.55, 8.0& #215;10-5, and 2.0& #215;10-2 mSv, respectively, much lower than the medical staff (20 mSv/a) and individual (1 mSv/a) dose limits recommended by national standard norm.

    Conclusion The patients ordered 18F-FDG PET/CT examination exert little radiation to their surroundings.


