叶开友, 徐瑞芳, 陆辰汝. 2002-2013年上海市青浦区职业病发病特征[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2015, 32(5): 426-429. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2015.14657
引用本文: 叶开友, 徐瑞芳, 陆辰汝. 2002-2013年上海市青浦区职业病发病特征[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2015, 32(5): 426-429. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2015.14657
YE Kai-you , XU Rui-fang , LU Chen-ru . Epidemiological Characteristics of Occupational Diseases Occurrence in Qingpu District of Shanghai in 2002-2013[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2015, 32(5): 426-429. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2015.14657
Citation: YE Kai-you , XU Rui-fang , LU Chen-ru . Epidemiological Characteristics of Occupational Diseases Occurrence in Qingpu District of Shanghai in 2002-2013[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2015, 32(5): 426-429. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2015.14657


Epidemiological Characteristics of Occupational Diseases Occurrence in Qingpu District of Shanghai in 2002-2013

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析2002-2013年上海市青浦区职业病发病规律及特征,为做好职业病防控提供科学依据。

    方法 对青浦区2002-2013年收到的职业病报告卡进行逐份核校,对职业病数据进行统计分析。

    结果 调查期间报告新发职业病404例,患者年龄(38.69& #177;13.60)岁(18~79岁);男性317例,女性87例,男女比例3.64:1。发病人数居前三位的职业病为:职业性皮肤病(148例,36.63%)、尘肺(102例,25.25%)和职业中毒(81例,20.05%),职业性皮肤病接害工龄中位数为1.33年,尘肺和职业中毒的接害工龄分别为(11.44& #177;6.38)年和(5.92& #177;4.55)年。新发尘肺类型前四位依次为铝尘肺、电焊工尘肺、铸工尘肺和矽肺(分别占55.88%、13.73%、10.78%、8.82%)。硫化氢中毒、慢性苯中毒分居急、慢性职业中毒首位(13/48、32/33)。病例分布行业中化工、建材、轻工和机械位居前四位(发病例数依次为87、86、81、77);经济类型以私营企业(170例)和集体企业(80例)为主;规模多集中在小型(316例)企业。

    结论 2002-2013年上海市青浦区职业病发病呈现发病年轻化和发病工龄短的趋势,职业性皮肤病、尘肺病和职业中毒是需重点防控职业病,硫化氢、苯及苯系物、电焊烟尘、铸造粉尘和矽尘是青浦区重点职业病危害因素,需加强对小微私营企业职业病防治工作监管与指导。


    Objective To analyze the epidemiological patterns and characteristics of occupational diseases occurrence in Qingpu District of Shanghai in 2002-2013,and to provide a scientific basis for occupational diseases prevention and control.

    Methods Verification and statistical analysis were performed on the data of occupational diseases retrieved from the mandatory occupational disease report cards in Qingpu from 2002 to 2013.

    Results A total of 404 cases of occupational diseases were newly diagnosed and reported in 2002-2013.The age was ranged from 18 to 79 years,and the mean age was (38.69& #177;13.60) years.The ratio of male (317) to female (87) cases was 3.64:1.Occupational dermatology (148,36.63%),pneumoconiosis (102,25.25%),and occupational poisonings (81,20.05%) were the leading three occupational diseases.The median of exposure age of occupational dermatology was 1.33 years;the average exposure age of pneumoconiosis and occupational poising were (11.44& #177;6.38) and (5.92& #177;4.55) years,respectively.Aluminum pneumoconiosis (55.88%),electric arc welder pneumoconiosis (13.73%),foundry worker pneumoconiosis (10.78%),and silicosis (8.82%) were the leading four pneumoconiosis incidences.In terms of occupational poisonings,hydrogen sulfide poisoning (13/48) ranked the first place of acute occupational poisonings,and chronic benzene poisoning ranked the first of chronic occupational poisonings (32/33).Chemical industry (87 cases),building material industry (86 cases),light industry (81 cases),and machinery industry (77 cases) were the leading four industries that occupational diseases occurred.Reported occupational disease patients concentrated in private sectors (170) and township collective enterprises (80) regarding enterprise economic category,as well as in small enterprises (316) regarding enterprise size.

    Conclusion The reported occupational disease cases in Qingpu demonstrate trends of younger onset and shorter exposure history.Occupational dermatology,pneumoconiosis,and occupational poisonings are locally prioritized occupational diseases.Hydrogen sulfide,benzene and benzene homologue,welding fume,foundry dust,and silicon related dust are the main occupational hazards in Qingpu District.Efforts should be made to focus on occupational health supervision and occupational technical guidance in small and micro enterprises.


