
Analysis on Nutrition and Health Related Knowledge Awareness and Behavior Formation among Workers Exposed to High Temperature in an Iron and Steel Factory

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解钢铁高温作业工人营养健康知识及行为现状。

    方法 采用自填式问卷对方便抽样抽取的某钢铁厂560名高温作业工人进行调查。问卷内容包括一般情况、营养健康知识(包括营养素功能及其食物来源、膳食指南、高温作业营养消耗及其对健康影响、高温作业特殊膳食知晓情况)、营养健康行为(包括日常营养与健康行为、合理膳食行为、高温作业特殊膳食行为)。对问卷进行评分,知识知晓和行为形成情况用得分占满分比例表示:80%~为好,60%~为较好,40%~为一般,<40%为差。

    结果 (1)知识总得分为(40.94& #177;12.91)分,占满分的41.4%;知识知晓程度好、较好、一般、差的比例分别为0.0%、10.0%、40.7%、49.3%;其中"高温作业营养消耗及其对健康影响""高温作业特殊膳食""营养素功能及其食物来源""膳食指南"四方面知晓程度差的分别占61.4%、61.4%、43.6%、5.0%。(2)行为总得分为(23.81& #177;7.05)分,占满分的29.4%;行为形成程度较好及以上、一般、差的比例分别为0.0%、13.6%、86.4%;其中"高温作业特殊膳食行为""日常营养与健康行为""合理膳食行为"三方面形成程度差的分别占93.6%、72.1%、22.1%。(3)工人营养健康知识得分与其行为得分呈正相关(r=0.27,P<0.01)。

    结论 该钢铁厂高温作业工人营养知识知晓程度较低,与其有关的高温作业健康饮食行为形成率不高。应以高温作业特殊营养知识为重点对该人群进行营养健康教育,提高其相关知识水平,促成有益于健康的饮食行为。


    Objective To understand the status of nutrition and health related awareness and behavior among steel workers exposed to high temperature.

    Methods A total of 560 steel workers were recruited from an iron and steel factory by convenience sampling method for a questionnaire survey. The self-administered questionnaire included general information, nutrition and health knowledge (functions and food sources of nutrients, dietary guidelines, nutrient consumption in high-temperature operation and its impact on health, special dietary awareness for high-temperature operation), nutrition and health behavior (daily nutrition and health related behavior, reasonable dietary behavior, special dietary behavior for high temperature operation). Degrees of knowledge awareness and behavior formation were represented as percentage of full mark:<40% for bad, 40%-59% for moderate, 60%-79% better than moderate, and ≥ 80% for good.

    Results The total knowledge score was 40.94& #177;12.91, 41.4% of the full mark, and the good awareness degree accounted for 0.0%, better than moderate for 10.0%, moderate for 40.7%, and bad for 49.3%; specifically, the bad awareness degree of "nutrient consumption in high-temperature operation and its impact on health", "special dietary awareness for hightemperature operation", "functions and food sources of nutrients", and "dietary guidelines" accounted for 61.4%, 61.4%, 43.6%, and 5.0%, respectively. The total behavior score was 23.81& #177;7.05, 29.4% of the full mark, and the good and better than moderate awareness degree accounted for 0.0%, moderate for 13.6%, and bad for 86.4%; specifically, the bad behavior formation degree of "special dietary behavior for high-temperature operation", "daily nutrition and health related behavior", and "reasonable dietary behavior" accounted for 93.6%, 72.1%, and 22.1%, respectively. The workers' score of nutrition and health knowledge was positively correlated with their behavior score (r=0.27, P<0.01).

    Conclusion The awareness degree of nutrition knowledge and the formation degree of health behavior are on the low side among the steel workers with exposure to high temperature in the iron and steel factory. It is suggested to conduct nutrition and health education focusing on specific nutrition knowledge and healthy eating behavior for high-temperature operation to the population.


