Objective To explore the effect of meteorological factors on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) outpatient visits, and provide important references for carrying out medical weather forecast and establishing early warning forecast models in professional weather service providers.
Methods A study was conducted using daily COPD outpatient visits data from seven secondary and tertiary hospitals and meteorological data from the Meteorological Bureau of Pudong New Area from 2010 to 2013. The relationship between meteorological factors and outpatient visits in COPD patients was examined using generalized additive model, adjusted for long-time trend, monthly variation, day-of-the-week effect, and holiday effect.
Results With adjustment of other confounders, the COPD outpatient visits slowly decreased with an increase in the moving average temperature within the interval of 0-10℃ for the current day and previous seven days (mov07), whereas the COPD outpatient visits decreased obviously with an increase in the moving average temperature above 10℃. When the mov07 of average relative humidity fell in the interval of 40%-55% or > 65%, the COPD outpatient visits increased with increasing relative humidity; while the COPD outpatient visits decreased with the increasing mov07 of average relative humidity between 55%-65%.
Conclusion Daily average temperature and relative humidity could affect COPD outpatient visits.