
Distribution Characteristics of Target Places for Preventing and Controlling Public Health Emergencies in Shanghai, 2013

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解上海市突发公共卫生事件重点防控场所的分布,为合理配置卫生应急资源提供依据。

    方法 调查2013年上海市17个区(县)幼托机构、中小学校、托老机构、存在职业病危害因素的企业、集中式供水、核与辐射技术利用单位的分布和涉及人员数。

    结果 上海市有各级各类幼儿园/托儿所/看护点2 515家,各类公办/民办/希望学校1 752家,托老机构876家,主要分布在浦东新区和闵行区;存在急性职业中毒有害因素的企业4 433家;水厂104座,水库唧站43座,二次供水设施113 691个,其分布与居民分布基本一致;核与辐射技术利用单位1 736家,其中医疗机构1 273家、企业463家,分布较均衡。

    结论 上海市仍需加强传染病类突发公共卫生事件处置能力的建设,郊区(县)应加强急性职业中毒事件的识别和处置能力,相邻区域可联合开展饮用水、核与辐射事件处置的能力建设。


    Objective To identify the distribution of places with high occurring possibility of public health emergencies for reasonable allocating health emergency resources in Shanghai.

    Methods In 2013, preschools, primary and middle schools, nursing homes for the elderly, enterprises with occupational hazards, centralized water plants, and organizations using nuclear radiation technology from 17 districts of Shanghai were investigated for their geo-locations and involved persons.

    Results There were 2 515 kindergartens/nurseries/day-care centers, 1 752 public/private/hope schools, 876 nursing homes for the elderly, which were mostly located in Pudong New Area and Minhang districts; there were 4 433 enterprises registered acute occupational hazards; 104 centralized water plants, 43 reservoirs, and 113 691 secondary water supply facilities were distributed in consistent with the resident congregation; there were 1 736 organizations using nuclear and radiation technology, including 1 273 medical institutions and 463 companies, showing a balanced distribution.

    Conclusion We need to strengthen the capability to response to infectious disease events in Shanghai, and should focus on the response to acute occupational poisoning events in the suburb areas. We also consider making alliances to build capability to response to drinking water and nuclear and radiation events in the neighboring areas.


