
Comparative Study on Occupational Risk Assessment using Two Foreign Models

  • 摘要:
    目的 运用美国国家环境保护署吸入风险模型(以下简称"EPA模型")和新加坡化学毒物职业暴露半定量风险模型(以下简称"新加坡模型")评估家具行业职业危害,通过二种评估方法的对比,探索适合家具行业职业危害风险评估方法。

    方法 选取浙江省4家家具企业(A、B、C、D),利用上述两种风险评估模型分别对4家企业进行职业危害风险评估,并对结果进行比较分析。

    结果 美国EPA模型:除企业A无明确甲醛致癌风险外,其余企业均有苯及甲醛致癌风险。企业A苯(喷漆涂装岗位)、4家企业甲苯(喷漆涂装岗位)的非致癌性风险均比较小;企业B、C、D苯(喷漆涂装岗位)及4家企业该岗位二甲苯均有非致癌性风险。新加坡模型:接触甲醛危害,企业A、B为高风险,企业C、D为中等风险;接触木粉尘危害,企业C为极高风险,其余为高风险;而接触三苯危害在此法中均为低风险。

    结论 两种风险评估模型各有优缺点,评估结果也有出入,在接触甲醛岗位上有较强的一致性;在家具行业木粉尘接触普遍的情况下,对此新加坡模型有一定的优势。


    Objective To compare two inhalation risk assessment models, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in halation risk assessment model and Singapore semi-quantitative assessment model, in evaluating occupational exposure to chemicals in furniture industry.

    Methods A total of four furniture factories (A, B, C, D) in Zhejiang Province were investigated and assessed using the above two risk assessment models for comparison.

    Results The results of using the US EPA model in dicated that except for factory A without cancer risk from formaldehyde exposure, the other three factories had both cancer risk from benzene and formaldehyde exposure. Low benzene induced non-cancer risk for spray painting workers of factory A and low toluene induced non-cancer risk for spray painting workers of all the four factories were identified. There were benzene induced noncancer risks for spray painting workers of factory B, C, and D and xylene induced non-cancer risks for spray painting workers of all the four factories. The results from the Singapore model indicated high formaldehyde induced risks in factory A and B, medium risks in factory C and D. Wood dust exposure introduced an extremely high risk to factory C and high risks to the other factories. In all factories, the risks induced by benzene, toluene, and xylene exposure were low.

    Conclusion The two risk assessment models have both advantages and disadvantages, and the assessment results differ except for formaldehyde exposure which are consistent. Given the wide exposure to wood dust, the Singapore model are more suitable for assessment of furniture industry than the US EPA model.


