
Labor Protection Policy Changes and Related Welfare Effects in China

  • 摘要: 以政策的福利效应为研究视角,解析我国劳动保护政策的发展历程、内容、特点。根据劳动保护政策所起到的主要福利效应,将劳动保护政策分为4个主要变迁过程,而纵观这一变迁过程,今后劳动保护政策应着眼于解决农民工职业危害较大的问题,注重弱势群体的保障、就业机会及资源分配不公等问题,并从政策目标、政策主体作用与重点干预领域等几个方面,尽快完成政策的调整与完善。


    Abstract: From the view of public welfare effect,the present paper describes the developmental stages,content,and featuresof China's labor protection policies.China's labor protection policies include four major developmental stages according to thewelfare effects of the policies.Given this,the critical problems to be addressed should focus on issues regarding human rights suchas occupational hazards to migrant workers,protection of vulnerable groups,inequality in employment opportunities and resources.The government may revise and improve labor protection policies as soon as possible based on policy objectives,the role of policysubjects,and the key areas of interventiongroup


