
Characteristics and influencing factors of occupational injuries among workers in a cable manufacturing enterprise

  • 摘要:
    背景 电缆制造业的劳动者需要长时间暴露于高速运转的机械设备环境下,加之繁重工作负担,其生理健康面临巨大风险。但该行业的职业伤害问题却较少受到关注。
    目的 了解电缆制造业工人职业伤害的流行现状,分析其影响因素。
    方法 研制基本情况问卷和职业伤害问卷,对某电缆制造企业1343名工人过去1年发生的职业伤害情况进行调查,共回收有效问卷1225份,问卷回收有效率91.2%。采用描述性统计方法对员工职业伤害的发生原因、伤害部位、伤害类型等特征进行描述,采用卡方检验分析不同人口学特征、职业特征、生活方式、人际关系的群体职业伤害状况,采用logistic回归分析职业伤害的影响因素。
    结果 某电缆制造企业工人过去1年的职业伤害发生率为8.6%,主要发生在男性(占80.0%)、5—7月(占45.7%),发生原因主要为机械伤害(占32.4%)和物体打击(占27.6%);伤害来源主要为机械设备(占36.2%)和原料及产品(占15.2%)。伤害部位主要为上肢(占53.3%)和下肢(占22.9%),伤害类型主要为骨折(占33.3%)、擦伤/挫伤/穿刺伤(占19.0%)。单因素分析显示,不同性别/加班情况/岗前培训情况/现岗位工龄/饮酒情况/每周体育锻炼情况/同事关系下职业伤害发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。logistic回归分析显示,每周体育锻炼<2次、未参加岗前培训、加班、同事关系一般/较差/非常差的工人职业伤害发生风险高,女性职业伤害发生风险低。
    结论 职业伤害人群分布主要为男性,时间分布主要为5—7月。性别、体育锻炼、是否岗前培训、是否加班、同事关系是职业伤害的影响因素。应加强岗前培训、合理安排工作时长、营造良好工作氛围以降低职业伤害发生。


    Background Workers in the cable manufacturing industry are exposed to high-speed machinery and equipment for a long time, coupled with heavy workload, which poses significant risks to their physical health. However, the issue of occupational injuries in this industry has not received enough attention yet.
    Objective To understand the incidence of occupational injury of workers in cable manufacturing industry and to analyze the influencing factors.
    Method A basic information questionnaire and an occupational injury questionnaire were developed to investigate the occupational injuries of 1 343 workers in a cable manufacturing enterprise in the past year, and a total of 1 225 valid questionnaires were recovered, with an effective rate of 91.2%. Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the causes, injury locations, injury types, and other characteristics of employees’ occupational injuries. Chi-square test was used to analyze the occupational injury status of groups with different demographic characteristics, occupational characteristics, lifestyles, and interpersonal relationships. Logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of occupational injuries.
    Result The incidence of occupational injuries among workers in a cable manufacturing enterprise in the past year was 8.6%, which mainly happened in male workers (80.0%) and occurred from May to July in summer (45.7%). The main causes were mechanical injuries (32.4%) and object blows (27.6%). The main sources of damage were machinery and equipment (36.2%) as well as raw materials and products (15.2%). The main injuries were located in upper limbs (53.3%) and lower limbs (22.9%). The main types of injuries were fractures (33.3%) and abrasions/contusions/puncture wounds (19.0%). The results of univariate analysis showed that there were statistically significant variations in the incidence of occupational injuries by gender, overtime, pre-job training, years of service in current position, alcohol consumption, physical exercise per week, and co-worker relationship (P<0.05). The logistic regression model showed that workers who exercised less than twice a week, did not participate in pre-job training, worked overtime, and had fair/poor/very poor colleague relationship had a higher risk of occupational injury, while women had a lower risk of occupational injury.
    Conclusion The distribution of occupational injury population is mainly male, and the time distribution is mainly from May to July. Gender, physical exercise, pre-job training, overtime, and colleague relationship are the influencing factors of occupational injuries. We should strengthen pre-job training, arrange work hours reasonably, and create a good working atmosphere to reduce the occurrence of occupational injuries.


