Background Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a class of persistent organic pollutants that pose potential health risks to humans. Infants and young children have higher requirements for food safety due to the underdeveloped detoxification and immune systems. Therefore, developing a comprehensive method for determination of PFASs and their novel alternatives in infant complementary food is of great significance.
Objective To develop an analytical method using liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry technology for determination of 55 PFASs in plant- and animal-derived infant complementary fruit purees.
Methods Oasis WAX (200 mg, 6 CC) solid-phase extraction columns were used for sample enrichment and purification. The pH of the acetonitrile extract was adjusted using 0%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2% formic acid aqueous solutions to evaluate its impact on the recovery rate of target compounds. Additionally, the impact of a 2 mL methanol wash during the purification process on the recovery of target compounds was assessed to determine the optimal pretreatment conditions. Three types of chromatographic columns—Agilent Poroshell 120 EC-C18, Thermo InfinityLab Poroshell 120 Aq-C18, Acquity Waters BEH-C18, and changes in mobile phase, were compared for their effects on retention time, peak shape, and response of target compounds. The method was validated in terms of selectivity, linear range, detection limit, and precision. The established method was applied to 49 commercial samples of infant complementary fruit purees.
Results Adjusting the sample pH using 1.5% formic acid water and incorporating a 2 mL methanol wash during purification achieved satisfactory recovery rates. The target compounds were chromatographically separated using an Agilent Poroshell 120 EC-C18 column with a gradient elution system. The mobile phase consisted of methanol-water (methanol/water: 2/98, v/v) containing 5 mmol·L−1 ammonium formate as mobile phase A, and methanol as mobile phase B. Good separation was achieved within 15 min, resulting in optimal chromatographic peak shapes. The 55 target compounds exhibited good linearity across the standard curve range, with correlation coefficients (R²) greater than 0.99. The method detection limits ranged from 0.02 to 0.05 µg·L−1. In the plant- and animal-based fruit puree samples, the spiked recovery rates ranged from 60% to 112% and 57% to 119%, respectively, with relative standard deviations (RSD) ≤ 30%. A total of 9 traditional PFASs and 5 novel PFASs were positive in 49 samples of infant complementary fruit purees.
Conclusion This method enables comprehensive detection of 55 traditional and emerging PFASs, offering wide coverage, high accuracy, and excellent sensitivity. It provides technical support for characterizing contamination by traditional and emerging PFASs in food matrices.