
Laboratory safety management: Based on use of hazardous chemicals among 1714 laboratories in Shanghai

  • 摘要: 实验室危险化学品安全管理一直是行业关注的焦点所在,但缺少使用危险化学品相关基础数据,导致监管措施缺乏针对性。上海市依据《上海市危险化学品安全管理办法》,于2018年在全国率先开展危险化学品使用单位登录报送工作。本文拟结合“上海市危险化学品使用单位登录报送系统”中1714家实验室2022年度的危险化学品使用情况,探讨实验室各类管控类危险化学品、危险特性分布等情况,并提出了相应的安全管理措施,促进实验室危险化学品使用精细化管理水平的提高。


    Abstract: The safety management of hazardous chemicals in laboratories has always been a focal point of industry concerns. However, the lack of fundamental data on the use of hazardous chemicals has hindered the formulation of targeted regulatory measures. In accordance with the Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals, Shanghai took the lead nationwide in initiating the registration and reporting of hazardous chemicals by user entities in 2018. This study analyzed the hazardous chemical usage data from 1714 laboratories collected through the Shanghai Registration and Reporting System for Hazardous Chemical User Entities for the year 2022. It explored the distributions of various controlled hazardous chemicals and their associated hazardous characteristics in laboratories. Corresponding safety management measures were proposed to improve the level of refined management of hazardous chemical use in laboratories.


