
Changes and influencing factors of Chinese preschool teachers’ occupational burnout

  • 摘要:
    背景 幼儿教师的职业倦怠问题关乎我国幼儿教育事业的长期健康发展。然而,现有研究多为横断面设计,忽视了我国幼儿教师职业倦怠水平在社会发展过程中的变迁问题,也较少讨论宏观社会因素对幼儿教师职业倦怠的影响。
    目的 探究2004—2022年间我国幼儿教师职业倦怠随年份的变化趋势及其宏观影响因素。
    方法 检索国内外数据库(万方数据库、中国知网、维普资讯、Web of Science、SpringerLink、ProQuest、Embase、Wiley、Elsevier、PubMed、Cochrane Library)中幼儿教师职业倦怠的相关研究文献,检索时限为从建库至2023年12月31日。根据特定标准筛选上述文献,提取相应数据并编码建立数据库。通过散点图的绘制考察我国幼儿教师职业倦怠随年份的变化趋势。以数据收集年份为自变量,分别以量表总体及各维度均值为应变量进行回归方程拟合,得到效应量d值,以反映幼儿教师职业倦怠及各维度均值在2004—2022年间发生变化的程度(0.2<d≤0.5为小效应,0.5<d≤0.8为中效应,d>0.8为大效应)。另外,收集相应社会指标(包括反映行业竞争压力、经济压力、工作压力和社会支持四方面7项指标)并纳入数据库,通过滞后相关分析的思路考察宏观社会因素对幼儿教师职业倦怠变迁的影响。
    结果 共纳入28篇采用《教师职业倦怠量表》(MBI-ES)测量幼儿教师职业倦怠的研究报告(共11115名幼儿教师),数据收集年代跨度为2004—2022年,共19年。元分析结果显示,量表总分及三个维度的均值随年份呈上升趋势;控制样本量与额外变量后,量表总分、情感衰竭及低成就感均值与年份均呈正相关(b=0.05070.03390.0539,均P<0.05);效果量方面,职业倦怠总体(d=1.21)及低成就感(d=0.94)的变化属于大效应,情感衰竭和去个性化的变化(d分别为0.64、0.42)属于中和小效应;控制样本量后,幼儿教师职业倦怠均值与当年、一年前和三年前的高学历幼师比、房价、居民消费价格指数、城镇化率、法院收案数均呈正相关(b0.0419~4.6883,均P<0.01),与三年前的离婚率正相关(b=0.4226P<0.01),与当年、一年前和三年前的家庭户规模呈负相关(b=−2.0619、−1.5361、−2.1573,均P<0.05)。
    结论 近19年来我国幼儿教师的职业倦怠水平随年份逐年升高,反映行业竞争压力、经济压力、工作压力和社会支持的7项社会指标与我国幼儿教师职业倦怠水平变化均具有一定的相关性。


    Background The occupational burnout of preschool teachers relates to the long-term healthy development of preschool education in our country. However, most of the existing studies are cross-sectional design, ignoring the change of preschool teachers’ occupational burnout level in the process of social development, and rarely discussing the influence of macro social factors on preschool teachers’ occupational burnout.
    Objective To explore the trend and macro influencing factors of preschool teachers’ occupational burnout in China from 2004 to 2022.
    Methods Research literature using Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey (MBI-ES) on occupational burnout of preschool teachers were searched in domestic and foreign databases (Wanfang Data, CNKI, VIP Information, Web of Science, SpringerLink, ProQuest, Embase, Wiley, Elsevier, PubMed, and Cochrane Library). The search period was from the date of the database creation to December 31, 2023. The obtained literature was selected by a predetermined criteria on inclusion and exclusion, and followed by data extraction and research dataset construction. Yearly trends of burnout was presented by scatter plots. Regression models were fitted to estimate effect size d for the associations between selected dimensions and burnout in years of 2004 to 2022 (0.2<d≤0.5: small effect, 0.5<d≤0.8: medium effect, d>0.8: large effect). In addition, collect relevant social indicators (including 7 factors reflecting 4 aspects of industry competition pressure, economic pressure, work pressure, and social support) were incorporated to the dataset to examine impact of macro social factors on the change of occupational burnout of preschool teachers by lagged correlation analysis.
    Results A total of 28 research reports measuring occupational burnout of preschool teachers using the MBI-ES were included, involving a total of 11115 preschool teachers. The data collection spanned from 2004 to 2022, covering a period of 19 years. The results of the meta-analysis show that the total score of the inventory and the means of the three dimensions exhibited an increasing trend over years. After controlling for sample size and additional variables, the total score of the inventory, emotional exhaustion, and reduced personal accomplishment were all significantly positively correlated with the year (b=0.0507, 0.0339, 0.0539, P<0.05). In terms of effect size, the overall occupational burnout (d=1.21) and reduced personal accomplishment (d=0.94) showed large effects, while emotional exhaustion (d=0.64) demonstrated a moderate effect, and depersonalization (d=0.42) met the criteria for a small effect. After controlling for sample size, the mean level of occupational burnout among preschool teachers was positively correlated with the proportion of highly educated preschool teachers, housing prices, the consumer price index, urbanization rate, and the number of court cases filed in the current year, one year prior, and three years prior (0.0419b4.6883, P<0.01), and also positively correlated with the divorce rate three years prior (b=0.4226, P<0.01), but negatively correlated with the household size in the current year, one year prior, and three years prior (b=−2.0619, −1.5361, −2.1573, P<0.05).
    Conclusion Over the past 19 years, the occupational burnout levels of preschool teachers in China have been increasing year by year. The seven social indicators, which reflect the pressure of industry competition, economic pressure, work pressure, and social support, have certain correlation to the change of the burnout level of preschool teachers in China.


