郑雨虹, 张景山, 陈春静, 葛明. 2014—2022年南京市生活饮用水中化学污染物健康风险评估[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2024, 41(8): 905-910. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM24027
引用本文: 郑雨虹, 张景山, 陈春静, 葛明. 2014—2022年南京市生活饮用水中化学污染物健康风险评估[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2024, 41(8): 905-910. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM24027
ZHENG Yuhong, ZHANG Jingshan, CHEN Chunjing, GE Ming. Health risk assessment of chemical pollutants in drinking water in Nanjing from 2014 to 2022[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2024, 41(8): 905-910. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM24027
Citation: ZHENG Yuhong, ZHANG Jingshan, CHEN Chunjing, GE Ming. Health risk assessment of chemical pollutants in drinking water in Nanjing from 2014 to 2022[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2024, 41(8): 905-910. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM24027


Health risk assessment of chemical pollutants in drinking water in Nanjing from 2014 to 2022

  • 摘要:
    背景 生活饮用水中含有多种化学物质,可能会对人体造成一定的健康风险。
    目的 评估南京市2014—2022年生活饮用水中化学污染物致癌与非致癌健康风险。
    方法 按照GB/T 5750—2006《生活饮用水标准检验方法》及GB 5749—2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》对南京市2014—2022年出厂水、末梢水和二次供水开展水质常规指标监测。采用美国环保署推荐的健康风险评估模型评估饮用水中砷、镉、铬(六价)、铅、汞、硒、氰化物、氟化物、硝酸盐、三氯甲烷、四氯化碳、铝、铁、锰、铜、锌共16种化学物质通过不同途径(饮水摄入、经皮肤接触)在不同人群(成年男性、成年女性和儿童)中所引起的健康风险,并对不同地区(城市、农村)、水期类型(枯水期、丰水期)和水样类型(出厂水、末梢水、二次供水)进行分层分析。
    结果 南京市2014—2022年共监测生活饮用水水样4198份,包括出厂水483份,末梢水3313份,二次供水402份,所有指标合格率均在99%以上。健康风险评估结果显示,砷和铅的非致癌风险/致癌风险分别从2015年和2016年开始上升,连续3年和4年维持相对较高水平,于2018年和2020年起下降后保持平稳;镉的致癌风险远高于其他化学物,且除了2018、2019年之外风险均大于1.00×10−4。不同人群(成年男性、成年女性和儿童)在不同暴露方式(饮水摄入和经皮肤接触)下饮用水非致癌风险均小于1;但饮水摄入致癌风险值大于1.00×10−4,其中不同人群饮水摄入镉的致癌风险均大于1.00×10−4。不同人群比较,儿童饮用水致癌/非致癌风险均为最高;不同途径比较,饮水摄入的致癌/非致癌风险均高于经皮肤接触。饮用水致癌/非致癌风险的分层分析结果显示,城市饮用水中砷、镉的致癌/非致癌风险高于农村(P<0.05);丰水期砷、三氯甲烷的致癌/非致癌风险高于枯水期(P<0.05);镉在不同类型水中的致癌风险无论是否有差异,均>1.00×10−4;而其余化学物质在不同水样类型中的健康风险各有不同,但均在风险可接受范围内。
    结论 南京市2014—2022年生活饮用水中化学污染物非致癌风险和致癌风险总体呈现下降或平稳趋势。16种化学物质中,除镉的致癌风险超过美国环保署推荐的可接受范围,其余化学物的致癌/非致癌风险均在可接受范围内。在今后饮用水风险管理中应对镉给予重点关注。


    Background Drinking water contains a variety of chemicals that may pose certain health risks to the human body.
    Objective To evaluate carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks of chemical pollutants in drinking water in Nanjing from 2014 to 2022.
    Methods According to the Standard examination methods for drinking water (GB/T 5750-2006) and the Standards for drinking water quality (GB 5749-2006), the conventional water quality indexes of finished water, tap water, and secondary water supply in Nanjing from 2014 to 2022 were monitored. The health risk assessment model recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) was used to assess the health risks of 16 chemicals arsenic, cadmium, chromium (hexavalent), lead, mercury, selenium, cyanide, fluoride, nitrate nitrogen, trichloromethane, carbon tetrachloride, aluminum, iron, manganese, copper, and zinc in drinking water through different routes (drinking water and skin contact) in different populations (adult males, adult females, and children). Region (urban and rural), water period (dry period and wet period), and water sample type (finished water, tap water, and secondary water supply) were stratified for analysis.
    Results From 2014 to 2022, a total of 4198 samples of drinking water were monitored in Nanjing, including 483 samples of finished water, 3313 samples of tap water, and 402 samples of secondary water supply. The pass rates of all indicators were above 99%. The health risk assessment results showed that the carcinogenic/non-carcinogenic risks of arsenic and lead presenting a trend of first increasing from 2015 and 2016 respectively, remaining relatively high for 3 and 4 consecutive years respectively, and then decreasing from 2018 and 2020 respectively before remaining stable; the carcinogenic risk of cadmium was much higher than that of other chemicals, and the risk was greater than 1.00×10−4 except for 2018 and 2019. The non-carcinogenic risks of drinking water in different populations (adult males, adult females, and children) under different exposure modes (intake of drinking water and skin contact) were less than 1. The values of carcinogenic risk via drinking water in total population and of cadmium intake via drinking water in all sub-groups (adult males, adult females, and children) were greater than 1.00×10−4. The carcinogenic/non-carcinogenic risk of drinking water was the highest in children, and the carcinogenic/non-carcinogenic risk via drinking water ingestion was higher than that via skin contact. The stratified analysis showed that the carcinogenic/non-carcinogenic risks of arsenic and cadmium in urban drinking water were higher than those in rural drinking water (P<0.05); the carcinogenic/non-carcinogenic risks of arsenic and trichloromethane in wet season were higher than those in dry season (P<0.05); the carcinogenic risks of cadmium in different types of water were all greater than 1.00×10−4; the health risks varied by chemicals and water sample types for the other chemicals, but all were within an acceptable level.
    Conclusion The non-carcinogenic risks and carcinogenic risks of selected chemical pollutants in drinking water in Nanjing City from 2014 to 2022 show decreasing or stable trends. Among the 16 chemicals, the carcinogenic risk of cadmium exceeds the acceptable range recommended by the US EPA, and the carcinogenic/non-carcinogenic risks of the remaining chemicals are within the acceptable ranges. Cadmium should be given priority attention in future risk management of drinking water.


