
Characterization and application of exposure biomarkers of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in diesel exhaust

  • 摘要: 柴油机尾气是大气污染物的重要来源,属于1类致癌物。研究表明,柴油机尾气暴露会增加呼吸系统和心血管系统疾病的发病率。柴油机尾气的毒性效应与其组分构成密切相关,其中,多环芳烃是柴油机尾气中的主要毒性组分之一,经常作为人体暴露生物标志物用于柴油机尾气的暴露评估。但多环芳烃存在众多其他来源,会对柴油机尾气的暴露评估产生干扰。因此,寻找特异性强、可靠性高的多环芳烃暴露生物标志物已经成为目前研究的重点,对于间接确定柴油机尾气人体暴露量,确定柴油机尾气暴露剂量-反应关系具有重要作用。本文围绕近年来柴油机尾气中多环芳烃人体暴露生物标志物方面的研究进展,旨在:(1)厘清柴油机尾气中多环芳烃类物质的人体暴露生物标志物种类;(2)从职业暴露和环境暴露角度,探讨多环芳烃暴露生物标志物用于评估柴油机尾气暴露的适用性和局限性;(3)简要概括人体尿液样本中多环芳烃暴露生物标志物的分析方法,并比较不同分析方法的优缺点。


    Abstract: Diesel exhaust (DE), Group 1 carcinogen, is an important source of air pollutants. Studies show that DE exposure associates with elevated incidences of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. The toxic effects of DE are closely related to its components. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are one of the main toxic components in DE and are often used as human exposure biomarkers to DE. However, the exposure assessment of DE using PAHs as biomarkers could be interfered due to the other sources of PAHs. Therefore, identification of highly specific and reliable PAHs sourced biomarkers of DE exposure has become a hotspot of current research. New biomarkers of DE may play an important role in determining human exposure to DE and establishing dose-response relationship of DE exposure and health outcomes of interest. This paper focused on current progress in terms of PAHs sourced biomarkers of human exposure to DE with the following aims: (1) to clarify the types of PAHs sourced biomarkers to DE; (2) to explore the applicability and limitations of PAHs sourced biomarkers for DE exposure assessment in occupational exposure and environmental exposure analysis; and (3) to summarize the analysis methods for PAHs sourced exposure biomarkers in human urine samples and compare the advantages and disadvantages of different analytical methods.


