
陈子宇, 魏诺言, 梁芷珊, 黄惠民, 胡秀文, 王军义, 陈青松, 杨虹雨

陈子宇, 魏诺言, 梁芷珊, 黄惠民, 胡秀文, 王军义, 陈青松, 杨虹雨. 鼠尾振动暴露大鼠血液中前列环素和血栓素的变化[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2022, 39(11): 1226-1230. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22188
引用本文: 陈子宇, 魏诺言, 梁芷珊, 黄惠民, 胡秀文, 王军义, 陈青松, 杨虹雨. 鼠尾振动暴露大鼠血液中前列环素和血栓素的变化[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2022, 39(11): 1226-1230. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22188
CHEN Ziyu, WEI Nuoyan, LIANG Zhishan, HUANG Huimin, HU Xiuwen, WANG Junyi, CHEN Qingsong, YANG Hongyu. Expression changes of prostacyclin and thromboxane in blood of rats with tail vibration[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2022, 39(11): 1226-1230. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22188
Citation: CHEN Ziyu, WEI Nuoyan, LIANG Zhishan, HUANG Huimin, HU Xiuwen, WANG Junyi, CHEN Qingsong, YANG Hongyu. Expression changes of prostacyclin and thromboxane in blood of rats with tail vibration[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2022, 39(11): 1226-1230. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22188


基金项目: 广东省自然科学基金面上项目(2022A1515011357,2022A1515012412);广东省基础与应用基础区域联合基金青年基金项目(2019A1515110492);广州市科技计划项目(201904010222)





  • 中图分类号: R13

Expression changes of prostacyclin and thromboxane in blood of rats with tail vibration

Funds: This study was funded.
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    50只SPF级雄性SD大鼠,利用随机区组法分为对照组、1 d接振组、3 d接振组、7 d接振组、14 d接振组共5组,每组10只;大鼠放置于大鼠固定器中,摆放到固定台相应位置,大鼠尾巴置于振动仪用医用胶带固定好,固定台与振动仪不接触,使固定器之间、鼠尾之间不重叠;暴露剂量为125 Hz、5.9 m·s−2、4 h·d−1,振动方向是线性垂直振动;振动暴露结束取腹主动脉血,利用酶联免疫吸附试验检测血管因子PGI2、TXA2及其水解产物6-酮-前列腺素F(6-keto-PGF)、血栓素B2(TXB2)的表达量,并计算6-keto-PGF/TXB2值。利用Spearman秩相关分析血管因子的表达量是否与振动累积时间相关。


    1 d组、3 d组、7 d组、14 d组大鼠血浆6-keto-PGF的表达量分别为(896.12±124.37)、(1068.13±119.41)、(1215.26±122.64)、(1317.94±106.54)ng·L−1,均较对照组的(830.60±109.47)ng·L−1升高(P<0.001);PGI2的表达量分别为(86.49±2.40)、(107.90±2.65)、(114.02±2.16)、(126.95±1.94)ng·L−1,均较对照组的(60.09±2.11)ng·L−1升高(P<0.001);TXB2的表达量分别为(132.14±4.10)、(145.52±4.09)、(179.91±4.98)、(204.10±3.22)ng·L−1,均较对照组的(106.08±3.26)ng·L−1升高(P<0.001)。3 d组、7 d组、14 d组大鼠血浆TXA2的表达量分别为(211.99±3.24)、(236.33±3.88)、(245.45±4.23)ng·L−1,均较对照组的(174.79±4.19)ng·L−1升高(P<0.001)。与对照组相比,7 d组、14 d组大鼠6-keto-PGF/TXB2值均下降(P<0.05)。6-keto-PGF、PGI2、TXB2、TXA2表达量均与振动累积时间呈正相关(r=0.84、0.84、0.80、0.84,P<0.001),6-keto-PGF/TXB2值与振动累积时间呈负相关(r=-0.24,P=0.003)。





    Long-term exposure to hand-transmitted vibration can lead to hand-arm vibration syndrome, one manifestation of which is impaired peripheral blood circulation in the arms. Altered expressions of prostacyclin I2 (PGI2) and thromboxane A2 (TXA2) in blood may be one of the important mechanisms of vibration-induced hand-arm vibration syndrome.


    To reveal the effects of rat tail vibration on the expressions of PGI2 and TXA2 in plasma, and to establish the correlation between the change of rat plasma PGI2 to TXA2 ratio and rat tail vibration.


    Fifty SPF-grade male SD rats were randomly divided into five groups: control group, 1 d exposure group, 3 d exposure group, 7 d exposure group, and 14 d exposure group, with 10 rats in each group. The rats were placed in rat immobilizes on a immobilization table, and the rats' tails were connected to a shaker and fixed with medical tape. There was no overlap between the immobilizes and between the rats' tails by no contact between the immobilization table and the shaker. The exposure dose was 125 Hz, 5.9 m·s−2, 4 h·d−1, and the vibration direction was linear vertical vibration. Abdominal aortic blood was taken at the end of vibration exposure, and the expressions of PGI2, TXA2, and their hydrolysates 6-keto-prostaglandin F (6-keto-PGF) and thromboxane B2 (TXB2) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and the 6-keto-PGF/TXB2 values were calculated. Spearman rank correlation was used to analyze whether the expression of vascular factors correlated with the accumulated time of vibration.


    The expression levels of plasma 6-keto-PGF were (896.12±124.37), (1068.13±119.41), (1215.26±122.64), and (1317.94±106.54) ng·L−1 in the 1 d, 3 d, 7 d, and 14 d groups of rats, respectively, which were higher than that in the control group, (830.60±109.47) ng·L−1 (P<0.001). The PGI2 expression levels were (86.49±2.40), (107.90±2.65), (114.02±2.16), and (126.95±1.94) ng·L−1 in the 1 d, 3 d, 7 d, and 14 d groups of rats, respectively, all higher than (60.09±2.11) ng·L−1 in the control group (P<0.001). The expression levels of TXB2 were (132.14±4.10), (145.52±4.09), (179.91±4.98), and (204.10±3.22) ng·L−1 in the 1 d, 3 d, 7 d, and 14 d groups of rats, respectively, which were higher than that in the control group, (106.08±3.26) ng·L−1 (P<0.001). The expression levels of plasma TXA2 were (211.99±3.24), (236.33±3.88), and (245.45±4.23) ng·L−1 in rats in the 3 d, 7 d, and 14 d groups, respectively, which were all elevated compared with (174.79±4.19) ng·L−1 in the control group (P<0.001). Compared with the control group, the 6-keto-PGF/TXB2 values were decreased in the 7 d and 14 d groups (P<0.05). The 6-keto-PGF, PGI2, TXB2, and TXA2 expressions were positively correlated with vibration accumulation time (r=0.84, 0.84, 0.80, 0.84, P<0.001) and the 6-keto-PGF/TXB2 values were negatively correlated with vibration accumulation time (r=-0.24, P=0.003).


    Local exposure of rat tail to vibration could increase the expressions of PGI2 and TXA2 in blood, and the elevated expressions show a dose-effect relationship with the duration of vibration exposure, but the PGI2/TXA2 tends to decrease with the accumulation of vibration exposure.


  • 振动职业暴露广泛存在各种作业场景,如使用电钻和捶打、抛光工具,车辆与农业机械驾驶。长期接触手传振动暴露会导致以外周血液循环系统损伤为主的慢性进行性疾病——手臂振动综合征(hand-arm vibration syndrome, HAVS)[1]。目前其发病机制未完全阐明,也并无特效治疗方法,给工人带来极大的身体痛苦及经济损失。

    血管因子前列环素I2(prostacyclin I2, PGI2)和血栓素A2(thromboxane A2, TXA2)都是花生四烯酸通过两级催化的代谢产物,PGI2在血管生态中发挥扩血管和抗血栓作用;TXA2在血管生态中发挥缩血管和促血栓作用[2]。生理状态下,PGI2与TXA2的比值维持在恒定的范围,当心血管系统出现病变,如肺动脉高压[3]、高血压[4]、动脉粥样硬化[5]等疾病发生时,PGI2、TXA2表达量及其比值会发生变化。PGI2与TXA2比值失衡是血管损伤的机制之一。PGI2、TXA2在血液中不稳定,半衰期很短,故多使用其水解代谢产物6-酮-前列腺素F(6-keto-prostaglandin F, 6-keto-PGF)、血栓素B2(thromboxane B2, TXB2)来代表PGI2和TXA2的表达水平[6]


    SPF级7~8周龄雄性SD大鼠50只,平均体重(216.98±8.69)g,购买于广东省医学实验动物中心。在SPF级动物房内预饲养1周,适应环境后用于鼠尾振动模型制备。将大鼠放在(25±1)℃的环境中,每天12 h/12 h、暗/光循环并控制相关环境参数等条件。饲养阶段与实验阶段中对照组和接振组同时在同一个房间进行。根据大鼠苦味酸标记法进行标记,全部大鼠获得标号之后,称重每一只大鼠的体重并记录。然后按照体重随机区组进行分组,做好相应组别和序号的记录。共50只进入实验,分成5组。具体分组情况:对照组、1 d接振组、3 d接振组、7 d接振组、14 d接振组,每组均为10只大鼠。


    接触振动频率为125 Hz,实际测量频率计权加速度为5.9 m·s−2,线性垂直振动。所有实验组鼠尾振动暴露及对照组固定尾巴接振时间均为4 h·d−1,1 d接振组、3 d接振组、7 d接振组、14 d接振组接振暴露时间分别为1、3、7、14 d。

    实验组大鼠分别在接振最后一次结束后,按照每100 g体重1 mL的剂量腹腔注射3%戊巴比妥钠麻醉。使用一次性血样采集针(山东君诺)取大鼠腹主动脉血,台式高速冷冻离心机(湖南湘仪)离心分装完全上清液(血浆)后,立即放置于-80 ℃超低温冰箱保存以备后续实验用。


    采用STATA 13.0软件以及GraphPad Prism 8.0.2软件进行统计学分析。计量资料均以均数±标准差描述,多组组间均数比较采用单因素方差分析,两两比较采用Bonferroni法。利用Spearman秩相关分析血管因子的表达量是否与振动累积时间相关。检验水准α=0.05。

    与对照组相比,各接振组大鼠血浆6-keto-PGF、PGI2的表达量均升高(P<0.001);与1 d组相比,3 d组、7 d组、14 d组大鼠血浆6-keto-PGF、PGI2的表达量均升高(P<0.001);与3 d组相比,7 d组、14 d组大鼠血浆6-keto-PGF、PGI2的表达量均升高(P<0.001);与7 d组相比,14 d组大鼠血浆6-keto-PGF、PGI2的表达量均升高(P<0.01)。如图1所示。

    图  1  鼠尾振动诱导大鼠血浆中6-keto-PGF(A)、PGI2(B)表达量变化(n=10)
    ***:与对照组相比,P<0.001。###:与1 d组相比,P<0.001。OOO:与3 d组相比,P<0.001。△△:与7 d组相比,P<0.01。
    Figure  1.  Variation of 6-keto-PGF (A) and PGI2 (B) expression levels in plasma induced by rat tail vibration (n=10)
    ***: Compared with the control group, P<0.001. ###: Compared with the 1 d group, P<0.001. OOO: Compared with the 3 d group, P<0.001. △△: Compared with the 7 d group, P<0.01.

    与对照组相比,各接振组大鼠血浆TXB2的表达量均升高(P<0.001);与1d组、3d组相比,7d组、14d组大鼠血浆TXB2的表达量均升高(P<0.001);与7 d组相比,14 d组大鼠血浆TXB2的表达量升高(P<0.001)。与对照组、1 d组相比,3 d组、7 d组、14 d组大鼠血浆TXA2的表达量升高(P<0.01);与3 d组相比,7 d组、14 d组大鼠血浆TXA2的表达量升高(P<0.001)。如图2所示。

    图  2  鼠尾振动诱导大鼠血浆中TXB2(A)、TXA2(B)表达量变化(n=10)
    ***:与对照组相比,P<0.001。与1 d组相比,##:P<0.01,###: P<0.001。OOO:与3 d组相比,P<0.001。△△△:与7 d组相比,P<0.001。
    Figure  2.  Variation of TXB2 (A) and TXA2 (B) expression levels in plasma induced by rat tail vibration (n=10)
    ***: Compared with the control group, P<0.001. Compared with the 1 d group, ##: P<0.01, ###: P<0.001. OOO: Compared with the 3 d group, P<0.001. △△△: Compared with the 7 d group: P<0.001.

    与对照组相比,7 d组、14 d组大鼠血浆6-keto-PGF/TXB2值均降低(P<0.05),如图3所示。

    图  3  鼠尾振动诱导大鼠血浆中6-keto-PGF/TXB2值变化(n=10)
    Figure  3.  Variation of 6-keto-PGF/TXB2 values in plasma induced by rat tail vibration (n=10)
    Compared with the control group, *: P<0.05, ***: P<0.001.


    据不完全统计,我国有200多万工人作业面临职业振动暴露。本课题组对我国6种典型振动作业开展了流行病学调查,发现我国接振工人暴露强度大,接振时间长,且无有效防护措施,HAVS实际发病率高(27.5%报告手麻,15.4%出现白指),被严重低估和忽视[10]。目前其发病机制未完全阐明,也并无特效治疗方法,给工人带来极大的身体痛苦及经济损害,早预防才是关键。目前,振动性白指(vibration white finger, VWF)是判定HAVS损伤程度的金指标,VWF的发生机制之一是神经血管损害[11],一旦确诊将给工人带来长期的痛苦。发现生物标志物,在职业健康检查中早期筛查血管已经发生病变的工人,及时调离接振岗位,可以降低HAVS的发病率。本研究发现随着振动累积时间的增加,大鼠血浆中PGI2、6-keto-PGF、TXB2、TXA2的表达量均升高,而6-keto-PGF/TXB2值降低。


    近年来,寻找HAVS前期的生物学标志物已经成为热点。有研究发现接振工人周围血中内皮素水平与是否有患VWF相关,提示内皮素水平可以作为VWF早期诊断和判断预后的指标。手传振动可导致接触人群5-羟色胺水平升高,手传振动的接触累积时间及手部末梢血管损伤程度与5-羟色胺水平升高明显相关[14-15]。本课题组前期发现HAVS患者血浆中肌球蛋白轻链2(myosin light chain 2, MLC2)、内皮素-1水平均与HAVS有关联;MLC2作为生物标志物筛查HAVS的效果优于内皮素-1[16]。利用大鼠鼠尾振动模型研究大鼠病理学损伤血管损伤指标,发现血管损伤的程度随着暴露时间的延长而增加,标明大鼠血浆中MLC2、内皮素-1和5-羟色胺的水平与鼠尾振动引起的血管损伤有关[17]

    PGI2有扩血管和抗血栓的作用,TXA2效应相反。林立等[18]研究发现随振动暴露累积时间的增加,接振工人血中6-keto-PGF呈下降趋势,TXB2呈上升趋势。而本研究发现接振大鼠(3、7、14 d)血中PGI2、6-keto-PGF、TXA2、TXB2的表达都明显高于对照组(P<0.001),推测可能是因为鼠尾振动暴露的剂量使大鼠仍处于代偿状态,PGI2还未出现病理性下降。



  • 图  1   鼠尾振动诱导大鼠血浆中6-keto-PGF(A)、PGI2(B)表达量变化(n=10)

    ***:与对照组相比,P<0.001。###:与1 d组相比,P<0.001。OOO:与3 d组相比,P<0.001。△△:与7 d组相比,P<0.01。

    Figure  1.   Variation of 6-keto-PGF (A) and PGI2 (B) expression levels in plasma induced by rat tail vibration (n=10)

    ***: Compared with the control group, P<0.001. ###: Compared with the 1 d group, P<0.001. OOO: Compared with the 3 d group, P<0.001. △△: Compared with the 7 d group, P<0.01.

    图  2   鼠尾振动诱导大鼠血浆中TXB2(A)、TXA2(B)表达量变化(n=10)

    ***:与对照组相比,P<0.001。与1 d组相比,##:P<0.01,###: P<0.001。OOO:与3 d组相比,P<0.001。△△△:与7 d组相比,P<0.001。

    Figure  2.   Variation of TXB2 (A) and TXA2 (B) expression levels in plasma induced by rat tail vibration (n=10)

    ***: Compared with the control group, P<0.001. Compared with the 1 d group, ##: P<0.01, ###: P<0.001. OOO: Compared with the 3 d group, P<0.001. △△△: Compared with the 7 d group: P<0.001.

    图  3   鼠尾振动诱导大鼠血浆中6-keto-PGF/TXB2值变化(n=10)


    Figure  3.   Variation of 6-keto-PGF/TXB2 values in plasma induced by rat tail vibration (n=10)

    Compared with the control group, *: P<0.05, ***: P<0.001.

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  • 期刊类型引用(2)

    1. 朱文杰,王谦可,凌灵,欧阳燕芬,吴秀娟,邱奕冰. 佛山市顺德区手传振动作业工人职业健康检查结果分析. 职业与健康. 2024(11): 1549-1552 . 百度学术
    2. 张忠彬,卜千,贾乐乐. 手传振动与职业健康. 环境与职业医学. 2022(11): 1193-1197 . 本站查看


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  • 收稿日期:  2022-05-14
  • 录用日期:  2022-07-20
  • 网络出版日期:  2023-02-14
  • 刊出日期:  2023-02-14


