戎志东, 胡青青, 徐佩君. 外来务工者职业卫生知识健康促进干预效果分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2013, 30(10): 777-779.
引用本文: 戎志东, 胡青青, 徐佩君. 外来务工者职业卫生知识健康促进干预效果分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2013, 30(10): 777-779.
RONG Zhi-dong , HU Qing-qing , XU Pei-jun . Evaluation of Occupational Health Intervention for Migrant Workers[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2013, 30(10): 777-779.
Citation: RONG Zhi-dong , HU Qing-qing , XU Pei-jun . Evaluation of Occupational Health Intervention for Migrant Workers[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2013, 30(10): 777-779.


Evaluation of Occupational Health Intervention for Migrant Workers

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解采取健康促进等干预措施后,民营企业外来务工者的职业卫生知识知晓率的变化,为制定企业健康促进策略提供依据。

    方法 选择慈溪市2 家民营企业,按车间分层,每个车间各随机抽取200 名外来务工者为调查对象。从2010 年11 月至2011 年12 月开展为期1 年的企业健康政策、支持性环境、健康教育、健康服务等健康促进干预措施。在干预前、后分别对调查者进行职业卫生知识问卷调查,内容包括职业病知识、职业有害因素、职业卫生防护、职业体检、相关法律法规等。

    结果 外来务工者正确理解职业病概念的比例由干预前的70.25%上升至干预后的90.71%(P<0.05);职业卫生总体知晓率由干预前的61.47%上升至干预后的86.38%(P<0.05);初中文化程度的外来务工者的职业卫生总知晓率由干预前的49.41%上升至干预后的85.93%(P<0.05)。

    结论 企业制订职业健康政策是开展外来务工者防治职业危害的关键,加强教育和培训是重要手段,安全例会前的10 分钟健康教育和人际传播是有效方法。


    Objective To evaluate changes in knowledge of occupational health among migrant workers in private enterprises in Cixi City before and after an intervention program, and to provide basis for developing health promotion strategies.

    Methods Two hundred migrant workers from each of 2 private enterprises were selected by stratified random sampling strategy. An intervention on enterprise health policy, supportive environment, health education, and health services was implemented from November 2010 till December 2011. A questionnaire survey on awareness of occupational health was performed before and after the one-year intervention, including knowledge of occupational diseases, occupational hazards, occupational health protection, occupational health examination, and relevant laws and regulations.

    Results The proportion of the migrant workers with correct understanding of occupational diseases rose from 70.25% before the intervention to 90.71% after the intervention (P< 0.05). The overall awareness rate of occupational health increased from 61.47% before the intervention to 86.38% after the intervention (P< 0.05). The occupational health awareness rate in migrant workers with junior high school education level increased from 49.41% to 85.93% (P< 0.05).

    Conclusion Enterprises' policy of occupational health plays an important role in preventing the occupational hazards among migrant workers. Education and training are effective ways, such as a 10-minute class of occupational heath before regular safety meetings.


