周鄂生, 王声萍, 杨继文, 郑晓红, 李元华. 武汉某高校工勤人员5项血液生化指标检测结果分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2012, 29(11): 704-706.
引用本文: 周鄂生, 王声萍, 杨继文, 郑晓红, 李元华. 武汉某高校工勤人员5项血液生化指标检测结果分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2012, 29(11): 704-706.
ZHOU E-sheng , WANG Sheng-ping , YANG Ji-wen , ZHENG Xiao-hong , LI Yuan-hua . Analysis on Five Blood Biochemical Indices among Support Staff in a University in Wuhan[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2012, 29(11): 704-706.
Citation: ZHOU E-sheng , WANG Sheng-ping , YANG Ji-wen , ZHENG Xiao-hong , LI Yuan-hua . Analysis on Five Blood Biochemical Indices among Support Staff in a University in Wuhan[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2012, 29(11): 704-706.


Analysis on Five Blood Biochemical Indices among Support Staff in a University in Wuhan

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析武汉市某高校校园工勤人员5 项血液生化指标(血糖、胆固醇、三酰甘油、谷丙氨酸氨基转移酶、肌酐)的检测结果,借以反映这个特殊职业人群血液生化指标的健康状况。

    方法 用日本制造的全自动生化分析仪对831 名校园工勤人员(男性365 名,女性466 名)采取空腹静脉血进行5 项血液生化指标检测,然后对上述5 项指标检测的结果进行统计和分析。

    结果 受检工勤人员空腹血糖测量值为(5.44& #177;0.95)mmol/L,血糖高于正常的检出率为5.90%;胆固醇为(4.75& #177;0.92)mmol/L,胆固醇高于正常的检出率为3.61%;三酰甘油为(1.08& #177;0.91)mmol/L,三酰甘油高于正常的检出率为12.64%;谷丙氨酸氨基转移酶活性为(19.30& #177;13.53)U/L,谷丙氨酸氨基转移酶活性高于正常的检出率为6.26%;肌酐为(70.33& #177;14.01)μmol/L,肌酐高于正常的检出率为1.69%。

    结论 检测结果发现,这些血液生化指标异常情况已蔓延到校园工勤人员,因此不应忽视对这些工勤人员的健康教育和健康促进。


    Objective To evaluate health status of university support staff in Wuhan via presenting test results of 5 blood biochemical indices.

    Methods A total of 831 support staff (365 males and 466 females) in the selected university were enrolled. Venous blood samples after fasts were collected for biochemical tests (blood glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, alanine transaminase, and creatinine). The test results were analyzed by statistical software SPSS 11.0.

    Results Among the examined support staff, the average of fasting plasma glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, activity of alanine aminotransferase, and creatinine were (5.44& #177;0.95)mmol/L, (4.75& #177;0.92)mmol/L, (1.08& #177;0.91)mmol/L, (19.30& #177;13.53)U/L, and (70.33& #177;14.01)μmol/L, respectively; and the detection rates of hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, high triglyceride, high alanine aminotransferase activity, and high creatinine were 5.90%, 3.61%, 12.64%, 6.26%, and 1.69%, respectively.

    Conclusion The blood biochemical abnormalities suggest attentions to improve health education and health promotion in university support staff.


