董书衡, 张心悦, 魏兰馨, 沈诩翔, 周蓉, 刘冉. 国内外农药相关数据库建设现状分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2020, 37(12): 1211-1218. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.20244
引用本文: 董书衡, 张心悦, 魏兰馨, 沈诩翔, 周蓉, 刘冉. 国内外农药相关数据库建设现状分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2020, 37(12): 1211-1218. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.20244
DONG Shu-heng, ZHANG Xin-yue, WEI Lan-xin, SHEN Xu-xiang, ZHOU Rong, LIU Ran. Status analysis on construction of domestic and foreign pesticide-related databases[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2020, 37(12): 1211-1218. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.20244
Citation: DONG Shu-heng, ZHANG Xin-yue, WEI Lan-xin, SHEN Xu-xiang, ZHOU Rong, LIU Ran. Status analysis on construction of domestic and foreign pesticide-related databases[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2020, 37(12): 1211-1218. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.20244


Status analysis on construction of domestic and foreign pesticide-related databases

  • 摘要: 化学农药的大规模使用对生态环境和人类健康都造成了诸多影响。在开展环境污染物风险评估、环境污染治理、农药管理、生态毒理学等方向的研究时,系统的农药相关数据库平台是不可缺少的基础支持。本综述介绍了欧洲食品安全局OpenFoodTox数据库、美国环境保护局CompTox Chemicals Dashboard数据库、农药特性数据库(PPDB)、农药行动网络(PAN)、美国生态毒理数据库(ECOTOX)、毒理学数据网络(TOXNET)六个国外常用农药相关数据库的概况及特点,同时比较了六个数据库的可查询数据内容及优缺点,分析了其在农药风险管理中的应用。本综述也介绍了国内四个相关数据库的概况及特点,分析了国内数据库的不足。结合我国农药污染现状及特点,借鉴国外相关数据库建设的经验,我国的农药毒性数据库建设迫切需要在以下几方面有所突破:建立农药数据整编标准和规范;建立信息完整、丰富、有效和共享的农药数据库;注重收集中国本土生物毒性数据。


    Abstract: The extensive use of chemical pesticides has posed many impacts on ecological environment and human health. A comprehensive database platform of pesticides can play a crucial role in the research of risk assessment on environmental pollutants, pollution control, pesticide management, and ecotoxicology. This review introduced an overview of six foreign pesticiderelated databases, including OpenFoodTox by European Food Safety Authority, CompTox Chemicals Dashboard by US Environmental Protection Agency, Pesticide Properties Database (PPDB), Pesticide Action Network (PAN), Ecotoxicology Database (ECOTOX), and TOXicology data NETwork (TOXNET). Their applications in pesticide risk management were analyzed by comparing the data indexes, advantages, and disadvantages of these foreign pesticide-related databases. In addition, this review also introduced the general characteristics and deficiencies of four domestic databases. Based on the characteristics of pesticide pollution in China and the experience of foreign database construction, it is urgent to make breakthroughs in establishing an authoritative pesticide-related database:standardizing pesticide data management; establishing a comprehensive, informative, valid, and shared pesticide-related database; and emphasizing on the toxicity data of indigenous Chinese species.


