包芳, 李彤, 李新影. 人格特征和社会支持与空勤人员职业倦怠的关系[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2019, 36(4): 388-394. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2019.18773
引用本文: 包芳, 李彤, 李新影. 人格特征和社会支持与空勤人员职业倦怠的关系[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2019, 36(4): 388-394. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2019.18773
BAO Fang, LI Tong, LI Xin-ying. Relatonship of personality and social support with job burnout among aircrew[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2019, 36(4): 388-394. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2019.18773
Citation: BAO Fang, LI Tong, LI Xin-ying. Relatonship of personality and social support with job burnout among aircrew[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2019, 36(4): 388-394. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2019.18773


Relatonship of personality and social support with job burnout among aircrew

  • 摘要:
    目的 空勤人员(包括乘务员和安全员)面临着工作负荷大、轮班、时差等多种压力源,是职业倦怠的高发人群。本研究拟探讨空勤人员人格、社会支持与职业倦怠之间的关系。

    方法 选取北京某航空公司乘务员、安全员、乘务员兼安全员共615人作为研究对象,男135例(21.9%),女480例(78.1%),年龄在21~51(29.0±4.6)岁。采用中国大五人格量表、社会支持评定量表和中国职业倦怠量表进行调查。采用Pearson相关分析对各计量资料间的相关性进行分析;采用结构方程模型模拟社会支持在人格与职业倦怠之间的中介作用,并分析各变量间的关系。

    结果 在615名有效研究对象中,有职业倦怠的空勤人员为376名,占61.1%。其中,轻度倦怠者174名,检出率28.3%;中度倦怠者186名,检出率30.2%;高度倦怠者16名,检出率2.6%。Pearson相关分析表明,职业倦怠量表得分与人格问卷神经质维度得分呈正相关,与社会支持总分、主观支持维度和支持利用度维度呈负相关。人格问卷的五个维度得分与社会支持总分及各维度得分均呈相关。结构方程模型的初始模型的模型适配度较差,经修正后,模型拟合得到改善,规范拟合指数(NFI)、比较拟合指数(CFI)、递增拟合指数(IFI)、拟合优度指数(GFI)均达到可接受水平。社会支持对职业倦怠的直接效应为-0.22(P < 0.001);外向性对社会支持的直接效应为0.31(P < 0.001),而外向性对职业倦怠无直接效应,故社会支持在外向性对职业倦怠的影响中起完全中介作用。神经质对社会支持和职业倦怠的直接效应分别为-0.22(P < 0.001)和0.40(P < 0.001),即社会支持在神经质对职业倦怠的影响中起部分中介作用。

    结论 空勤乘务、安全人员中职业倦怠检出率较高。高神经质的空勤人员更易发生职业倦怠。社会支持在人格与职业倦怠的关系中起到中介作用。


    Objectve Aircrew (flight atendants and security ofcers) are exposed to high workload, shif, and jet lag, thus are vulnerable to job burnout. This study explores the relationship among personality, social support, and job burnout of aircrew.

    Methods A total of 615 (135 males, 21.9%; 480 females, 78.1%) flight attendants, security ofcers, and concurrent flight atendants & security ofcers of an airline company in Beijing, at the age of 21-51 (29.0±4.6) years, were recruited. Chinese Big Five Personality Inventory, Social Support Ratng Scale, and Chinese Job Burnout Scale were used in the survey. Pearson correlaton analysis was conducted to analyze the correlation between measurement data. A structural equation model was used to evaluate the mediating role of social support in the relationship between personality and job burnout and to analyze the relatonship between study variables.

    Results There were 376 (61.1%) out of 615 aircrew having job burnout. Among them, 174 were at mild level, with a detecton rate of 28.3%; 186 were at moderate level, with a detecton rate of 30.2%; 16 were at high level, with a detecton rate of 2.6%. The Pearson correlaton analysis results showed a positve correlaton between job burnout score and neurotc score, and negatve correlatons of job burnout score with social support total score, subjectve support score, and support utlizaton score. Signifcant correlatons were also found between the scores of all the fve dimensions of personality and the total score & dimensional scores of social support. The model ft indices of the inital structural equaton model were poor. Afer modifcaton, the model showed beter ft indices as the normed ft index (NFI), comparatve ft index (CFI), incremental ft index (IFI), and goodness-of-ft index (GFI) were all acceptable. Social support yielded a direct effect on job burnout (-0.22) (P < 0.001), and extraversion yielded a direct effect on social support (0.31) (P < 0.001) but not on job burnout; therefore, social support played a complete mediatng role in the relationship between extraversion and job burnout. Neuroticism yielded direct effects on both social support (-0.22) (P < 0.001) and job burnout (0.40) (P < 0.001); therefore, social support played a partal mediatng role in the relatonship between neurotcism and job burnout.

    Conclusion A high prevalence of job burnout is found among the studied flight attendants and security officers. Aircrew with higher neurotcism levels are more vulnerable to job burnout. Social support plays a mediatng role in the relatonship between personality and job burnout.


