刘蒲, 曹莉莉, 方红, 姚保栋, 严玉洁. 上海市闵行区养老机构内60岁及以上老年人跌倒现状[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2017, 34(6): 527-530. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2017.16680
引用本文: 刘蒲, 曹莉莉, 方红, 姚保栋, 严玉洁. 上海市闵行区养老机构内60岁及以上老年人跌倒现状[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2017, 34(6): 527-530. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2017.16680
LIU Pu, CAO Li-li, FANG Hong, YAO Bao-dong, YAN Yu-jie. Falls of senior citizens 60 years and older in geriatric nursing institutions in Minhang District of Shanghai[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2017, 34(6): 527-530. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2017.16680
Citation: LIU Pu, CAO Li-li, FANG Hong, YAO Bao-dong, YAN Yu-jie. Falls of senior citizens 60 years and older in geriatric nursing institutions in Minhang District of Shanghai[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2017, 34(6): 527-530. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2017.16680


Falls of senior citizens 60 years and older in geriatric nursing institutions in Minhang District of Shanghai

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解养老机构内老年人跌倒现状,掌握跌倒后果及影响因素,为因地制宜地制订养老机构内防跌倒措施提供参考依据。

    方法 选取上海市闵行区两个社区内部分养老机构为研究现场,在养老机构内居住时间1年且年满60岁及以上的研究对象共800名,采用统一制定的问卷收集跌倒信息等。

    结果 养老机构内老年人的一年内跌倒率为13.38%,女性(16.48%)高于男性(7.55%);跌倒后受伤率为56.07%;52.41%的老人跌倒后活动能力受限,受限时长平均为52.05 d;85.00%的老年人康复后日常生活能力受到影响,其中轻微下降者占35.00%,明显下降者占41.67%,失去基本生活自理能力者占8.33%;跌倒后接受治疗的人均医疗费用为5 795.60元。跌倒地点前三位分别为居室、卫生间和楼梯/过道。腿发软、运动中未保持平衡和头晕是跌倒原因中自身因素前三位;缺乏保护措施、地面不平/地面光滑和光线不良为环境因素前三位。

    结论 养老机构内大部分老年人跌倒康复后会影响日常生活能力。针对跌倒原因,应以增强个体机能以及改善环境作为预防和减少老年人跌倒的重点。


    Objective To understand the status, outcomes, and influencing factors of falls among the senior citizens in geriatric nursing institutions, and to make suitable proposals for related fall prevention.

    Methods A total of 800 elderly people aged 60 years and older and registered to elder care services over one year were selected from the geriatric nursing institutions in two communities in Minhang District, Shanghai and were investigated with uniform questionnaires on falls.

    Results The incidence rate of falls in the elderly was 13.38%, and the incidence rate in females (16.48%) was higher than that in males (7.55%). Traumatic injuries were caused among 56.07% fallen elderly. The activities of 52.41% of the elderly were restricted after their falls, and average restricted days were 52.05 d. After recovery, 85.00% of the elderly showed compromised activities of daily living, of which 35.00% slightly declined, 41.67% sharply declined, and 8.33% totally lost. The health care costs caused by falls were 5 795.60 yuan each person. Bedroom, bathroom, and staircase/hallway were the top three places where the falls happened. Weak legs, lost balance in movement, and dizziness were the top three personal reasons of falls. Lack of protective equipment, uneven/slippery surface, and insufficient light were environmental factors for falls.

    Conclusion The activities of daily living among most elderly people in pension institutions are compromised after recovery from falls. The key to fall incident prevention is enhancing individual physical function and improving living environment.


