蒲立力, 崔欣, 尹艳, 邵宇. 上海市2019—2021年急性药物中毒发病特征[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2022, 39(12): 1379-1385. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22149
引用本文: 蒲立力, 崔欣, 尹艳, 邵宇. 上海市2019—2021年急性药物中毒发病特征[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2022, 39(12): 1379-1385. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22149
PU Lili, CUI Xin, YIN Yan, SHAO Yu. Epidemiological characteristics of acute drug poisonings in Shanghai from 2019 to 2021[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2022, 39(12): 1379-1385. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22149
Citation: PU Lili, CUI Xin, YIN Yan, SHAO Yu. Epidemiological characteristics of acute drug poisonings in Shanghai from 2019 to 2021[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2022, 39(12): 1379-1385. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22149


Epidemiological characteristics of acute drug poisonings in Shanghai from 2019 to 2021

  • 摘要:
    背景 近年来上海市急性药物中毒发病率呈现逐年上升趋势,急性药物中毒已跃居上海市急性中毒原因首位,防控形势日益严峻。
    目的 了解上海市引起急性中毒的药物构成情况,探索急性药物中毒的流行病学规律。
    方法 提取上海卫生健康统计中心的上海健康信息网系统中门急诊急性药物中毒病例的人口学、诊断等信息,2019—2021年共采集病例数86476例。分年度对急性药物中毒病例涉及的药物种类、人群分布进行统计描述,采用 \chi ^2 检验分析发病率变化特征,重点分析解热镇痛药、镇静催眠药和抗抑郁药引起的中毒情况。采用GeoDa1.20计算全局莫兰指数和局部莫兰指数,进行空间自相关分析。
    结果 2019—2021年全市门急诊药物中毒病例分别为22132、29071、35273例,粗发病率分别为0.89‰、1.21‰、1.46‰,均呈现逐年上升的趋势。上海市引起急性中毒的药物排名前三均为解热镇痛药、催眠镇静药、抗抑郁药,其中抗抑郁药(χ2=2700.15,P<0.05)和解热镇痛药(χ2=2294.01,P<0.05)引起的急性药物中毒发病率均逐年上升。三年来同年龄段人群中毒药物种类前三位较为相似。解热镇痛药中毒发病率大都居于多数年龄组人群中前三(男性发病率最高为0.84‰,女性发病率最高为1.07‰)。抗抑郁药中毒发病率在59岁之前各个年龄组中均在前三(男性发病率0.12‰~0.44‰,女性发病率0.06‰~0.45‰)。催眠镇静药中毒发病率在18岁及以上各年龄组人群中均在前三(男性发病率0.28‰~0.98‰,女性发病率0.21‰~0.92‰),心血管药物中毒发病率在60岁及以上年龄组人群中均在前三(男性发病率0.40‰~1.03‰,女性发病率0.66‰~0.81‰)。对中毒原因分析显示,17岁及以下组主要中毒原因为意外中毒及暴露(构成比男性为57.64%~67.12%,女性为55.27%~68.27%),18~59岁年龄组故意自毒构成比(男性为20.28%~43.51%,女性为25.18%~52.02%)大于意外中毒及暴露(男性为16.97%~23.62%,女性为12.76%~17.63%),60岁及以上年龄组意外中毒及暴露构成比(男性为24.38%~45.18%,女性为32.69%~38.11%)大于故意自毒(男性为12.35%~14.02%,女性为11.92%~12.31%)。空间自相关分析显示,2019—2021年解热镇痛药、催眠镇静药、抗抑郁药中毒发病率在各区间并未随机分布,存在明显的空间聚集现象,高发病率主要集中在外环以内区域,尤其是徐汇区、长宁区、静安区,三年中大多呈现发病率高-高聚集现象。
    结论 上海急性药物中毒发病率逐年增高,采取防控措施刻不容缓。根据本次研究结果,应针对不同人群药物中毒特征和明显高发病率聚集区域开展进一步研究和防控工作。


    Background Acute drug poisonings are increasing year by year and have become the leading cause of acute poisoning in Shanghai in recent years, and the related prevention and control work is faced with a tough situation.
    Objective To understand the composition of drugs leading to acute poisonings and describe the epidemiological tendency of reported acute drug poisonings in Shanghai.
    Methods We collected registered acute drug poisoning case information from the Shanghai Health Information System under Shanghai Health Statistics Center, including demographic characteristics and clinical diagnosis. There were totally 86476 cases reported from 2019 to 2021. The distributions of drugs and victims were described by year. Incidence tendency of acute drug poisonings was analyzed by chi-square test and the analysis focused on analgesic, hypnotics, and antidepressant drug-associated poisonings. Spatial autocorrelation analysis was performed by GeoDa1.20 through calculating global and local Moran's I.
    Results There was an ascendant tendency in both case count (22132 cases in 2019, 29071 cases in 2020, and 35273 cases in 2021) and crude morbidity (0.89‰ in 2019, 1.21‰ in 2020, and 1.46‰ in 2021) of patients who received outpatient service or emergency treatment for acute drug poisonings from 2019 to 2021 in Shanghai. The top 3 kinds of acute poisoning drugs were analgesics, hypnotics, and antidepressants. The morbidity rates of acute drug poisonings associated with antidepressants (χ2=2700.15, P<0.05) and analgesics (χ2=2294.01, P<0.05) increased year by year. The leading 3 kinds of drugs associated with acute drug poisonings in the same age group were similar. Analgesics showed high frequency staying in the top 3 acute poisoning drugs in most age groups for the 3 years (the highest morbidity was 0.84‰ in male or 1.07‰ in female). Antidepressants were in the top 3 acute poisoning drugs in the under 59 years age groups for the 3 years (male morbidity rate was 0.12‰-0.44‰, and female morbidity rate was 0.06‰-0.45‰). Hypnotics were in the top 3 acute poisoning drugs in the ≥ 18 years age groups for the 3 years (morbidity rate in male was 0.28‰-0.98‰, and morbidity rate in female was 0.21‰-0.92‰). Cardiovascular drugs were in the top 3 acute poisoning drugs in the > 60 years age group for the 3 years (male morbidity rate was 0.40‰-1.03‰, and female morbidity rate was 0.66‰-0.81‰). Regarding the causes of poisonings, accidental poisoning and exposure was the main cause in the ≤ 17 years groups (male constituent ratio was 57.64%-67.12%, and female constituent ratio was 55.27%-68.27%); suicide (male constituent ratio was 20.28%-43.51%, and female constituent ratio was 25.18%-52.02%) had a higher percentage than accidental poisoning and exposure (male constituent ratio was 16.97%-23.62%, and female constituent ratio was 12.76%-17.63%) in the 18-59 years age groups; accidental poisoning and exposure (male constituent ratio was 24.38%-45.18%, and female constituent ratio was 32.69%-38.11%) had a higher percentage than suicide (male constituent ratio was 12.35%-14.02%, and female constituent ratio was 11.92%-12.31%) in the > 60 years age group. The spatial autocorrelation analysis showed that the distribution of acute poisoning cases caused by analgesics, hypnotics, or antidepressants was not random. It was mostly positive spatial clustering. The high-morbidity area was always in the outer-ring circle, especially in Xuhui, Changning, and Jing'an districts, which suggested a high-high cluster pattern.
    Conclusion In view of the increasing morbidity rate of acute drug poisoning cases in Shanghai in this study, it is urgent to take prevention and control actions. We should plan further studies and different strategies toward different victims with distinct drug poisoning characteristics and areas with high morbidity rates.


