王桂敏, 姜永根, 汤宇斌, 蒋元强, 刘斌, 唐利勤. 2000至2009年上海市松江区职业病状况分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2010, 27(11): 677-679,682.
引用本文: 王桂敏, 姜永根, 汤宇斌, 蒋元强, 刘斌, 唐利勤. 2000至2009年上海市松江区职业病状况分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2010, 27(11): 677-679,682.
WANG Gui-min , JIANG Yong-gen , TANG Yu-bin , JIANG Yuan-qiang , Liu Bin , TANG Li-qin . Analysis of the Characteristics of Occupational Diseases in Songjiang District of Shanghai from 2000 to 2009[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2010, 27(11): 677-679,682.
Citation: WANG Gui-min , JIANG Yong-gen , TANG Yu-bin , JIANG Yuan-qiang , Liu Bin , TANG Li-qin . Analysis of the Characteristics of Occupational Diseases in Songjiang District of Shanghai from 2000 to 2009[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2010, 27(11): 677-679,682.


Analysis of the Characteristics of Occupational Diseases in Songjiang District of Shanghai from 2000 to 2009

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析上海市松江区2000至2009年职业病发病规律和特征,为进一步做好职业病防治工作提供依据。

    方法 以松江区2000至2009年确诊的职业病患者为研究对象,分析职业病种类、发病趋势和患者年龄分布等特征。

    结果 松江区2000至2009年间共发生416例职业病。其中,职业性皮肤病病例数居首(144例),占总病例的34.62%,病种以化学性皮肤灼伤(139例)为主,其次为职业性皮炎(4例);第二位为职业性眼病,为78例,占总病例的18.75%,以化学性眼部灼伤(45例)和电光性眼炎(33例)为主;居第三和第四位的分别是慢性职业中毒69例(16.59%)和尘肺48例(11.54%)。416例职业病患者中男性322例,女性94例。职业病患者平均发病年龄为35.81岁,慢性职业中毒和尘肺的平均发病年龄分别为34.47岁和44.52岁。尘肺病患者接尘工龄的中位数为9.5年,尘肺病新发例数呈逐年上升趋势,其他职业病发病人数2006年之前逐年上升,之后略有下降。

    结论 职业性皮肤病、职业性眼病是该区常见的职业病,应加强接触化学危害因素工人的防护。重视高发的慢性职业中毒和尘肺病的预防控制,尤其应注意尘肺新发病例逐年增加和低龄化的现象,加强粉尘作业的监管。


    Objective To analyze and understand characteristics of occupational diseases in Songjiang District of Shanghai and provide further scientific basis for governmental occupational disease control policy developing.

    Methods All confirmed diagnosed cases of occupational disease in Songjiang District of Shanghai were collected from 2000 to 2009. The disease categories, morbidity trend and age distributions were analyzed.

    Results There were 416 patients of occupational disease newly diagnosed in last ten years from 2000 to 2009. Total of 322 cases were males and 94 cases were females. The average age of all patients was 35.81 years old. Of all reported cases, 144 cases were diagnosed occupational dermatosis, and with 78 cases were occupational ophthalmopathy, accounted for 34.62% and 18.75% respectively in total cases and ranked as the first and the second place. There were 69 cases were chronic occupational poisoning (16.59%)and 48 cases were pneumoconiosis (11.54%), shown as the third and fourth, with average ages of 34.47 and 44.52 respectively. The incidence of occupational disease was in an increasing trend before 2006 and turned decreasing after 2006. On the other hand, huge increasing trend was found in pneumoconiosis cases. The median of work age in pneumoconiosis cases was 9.5 years.

    Conclusion Further efforts should be put on the control of occupational dermatosis and occupational ophthalmopathy. The prevention and control of chronic occupational poisoning and pneumoconiosis should also have emphasis on. With an increasing trend and diagnosed in younger age, pneumoconiosis deserved special attention.


