楚梦天, 南海龙, 马莹, 张文楼, 刘珊, 王雅铮, 邓芙蓉, 郭新彪. 北京市城市森林环境中人群心肺功能及心理情绪相关指标的短期变化[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2020, 37(2): 162-167, 180. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19606
引用本文: 楚梦天, 南海龙, 马莹, 张文楼, 刘珊, 王雅铮, 邓芙蓉, 郭新彪. 北京市城市森林环境中人群心肺功能及心理情绪相关指标的短期变化[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2020, 37(2): 162-167, 180. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19606
CHU Meng-tian, NAN Hai-long, MA Ying, ZHANG Wen-lou, LIU Shan, WANG Ya-zheng, DENG Fu-rong, GUO Xin-biao. Short-term changes of cardiopulmonary functions and psycho-emotional indicators of general population in urban forest environment in Beijing[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2020, 37(2): 162-167, 180. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19606
Citation: CHU Meng-tian, NAN Hai-long, MA Ying, ZHANG Wen-lou, LIU Shan, WANG Ya-zheng, DENG Fu-rong, GUO Xin-biao. Short-term changes of cardiopulmonary functions and psycho-emotional indicators of general population in urban forest environment in Beijing[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2020, 37(2): 162-167, 180. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2020.19606


Short-term changes of cardiopulmonary functions and psycho-emotional indicators of general population in urban forest environment in Beijing

  • 摘要:
    背景 城市森林环境是城市环境的重要组成部分。短期森林环境暴露可给人体身心健康带来有益影响,但尚未见到针对森林环境暴露数小时内一般人群健康效应改变的研究,且城市市区和郊区的森林公园中大气污染物水平的差异是否会对人群健康效应产生影响仍不清楚。
    目的 探讨不同森林环境短期暴露对人群心肺功能及心理情绪相关指标的影响。
    方法 采用自身前后对照的研究设计,于2018年8-10月期间分别选取北京市城区和郊区两处森林公园为研究地点,以进入森林环境时长0.5~8 h的1 498名游客为研究对象,测量其进入森林公园前后2个时间点的血压、肺功能和心理情绪指标。以距离研究地点最近的2所监测站的空气污染物数据估计两处森林公园的空气质量水平。采用Mann-Whitney U秩和检验比较两地污染物浓度,配对t检验比较研究对象进入森林前后的健康水平,采用t检验和多重线性回归方法分析研究对象进入森林环境前后健康指标改变和不同森林环境的关系。
    结果 相比城区,郊区森林环境的空气污染物浓度更低(O3除外)。与进入森林环境前相比,研究对象离开森林时的收缩压(SBP)和舒张压(DBP)均下降(tSBP=19.035,tDBP=6.283,P < 0.001),SBP从(132.96±20.27)mmHg降至(125.77±17.82)mmHg降幅大于DBP(78.57±10.79)mmHg降至(77.21±10.99)mmHg。城区和郊区两处森林公园相比,城区研究对象DBP降幅较大(Δ城区=-2.85 mmHg,Δ郊区=-1.13 mmHg,t=3.547,P < 0.001),但郊区森林公园对呼吸系统改善更明显,第1秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)水平升高(t=7.151,P < 0.001),城区则无差异(t=0.529,P=0.598)。多变量分析表明城郊差别并非是产生这一差异的决定性因素。对郊区研究结果进一步分析表明,研究对象肺活量指标FEV1平均升高0.09 L,第6秒用力呼气容积(FEV6)升高0.05 L,肺通气功能指标FEV1/FEV(从6 0.80±0.15升至0.82±0.14,t=4.290,P < 0.001)和中期呼气流速(FEF25%~75%)从(2.36±1.08)L·s-1升至(2.46±1.07)L·s-1t=4.296,P < 0.001有所改善。心理情绪相关指标方面,紧张、愤怒、抑郁和慌乱4个分量表以及情绪状态总评分(TMD)较进入森林环境前下降,负向情绪得到明显改善。
    结论 短期森林环境暴露能够明显改善人体心肺及心理健康,包括降低血压、提高肺功能和改善情绪。


    Background Urban forest environment is an important part of urban environment. Short-term exposure to forest environment is beneficial to human physical and psychological health. However, currently there is no research focusing on the changes of health effects of general population after exposure to forest environment for a few hours. In addition, it's still unclear whether different air pollutant levels between urban and suburban forest parks will affect human health.
    Objective This study aims to explore the effects of short-term exposure to different forest environments on human cardiopulmonary and psycho-emotional indicators.
    Methods From August to October in 2018, two forest parks, one in urban and the other in suburban areas, were selected as study sites, and a total of 1 498 visitors who stayed in the park area for 0.5-8 h were recruited as study subjects. Blood pressure, lung function, and psycho-emotional indicators were measured before and after forest environment exposure. Air pollutant data from two monitoring stations closest to the study sites were collected to estimate the air quality levels. Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the concentration of pollutants in the two parks, paired t test was used to compare the health indicators before and after forest exposure, and t-test and multiple linear regression were used to analyze the relationships between the changes of health indicators and different forest environments.
    Results The concentrations of most air pollutants in suburban forest environment were lower than those in urban forest environment (except O3). Compared with the time point before entering forest environment, both systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of the study subjects decreased significantly (tSBP=19.035, tDBP=6.283, P < 0.001), and SBPdecreased from (132.96±20.27) mmHg to (125.77±17.82) mmHg showed a steeper decrease than DBPdecreased from (78.57±10.79) mmHg to (77.21±10.99) mmHg. When comparing between two forest environments, the visitors exposed to urban forest environment showed more decline in DBP than those exposed to suburban forest environment (Δurban=-2.85 mmHg, Δsuburban=-1.13 mmHg, t=3.547, P < 0.001), but the visitors exposed to suburban forest environment showed better improved respiratory system as the forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) was elevated (t=7.151, P < 0.001), and there was no difference of the visitors in urban forest (t=0.529, P=0.598). The multivariate analysis results showed that regional factor was not decisive in producing this difference. Further analysis of the visitors exposed to suburban forest environment showed that their FEV1 and forced expiratory volume in the sixth second (FEV6) increased by 0.09 L and 0.05 L on average, respectively, and lung ventilation function indicators FEV1/FEV6 (increased from 0.80±0.15 to 0.82±0.14, t=4.290, P < 0.001) and forced expiratory flow at 25%-75%FEF25%-75%, increased from (2.36±1.08) L·s-1 to (2.46±1.07) L·s-1, t=4.296, P < 0.001 were both improved. In terms of psycho-emotional indicators, the scores of subscales of tension, anger, depression, and panic and the total score of total mood disturbance (TMD) decreased, showing that the negative emotions of the subjects were significantly reduced.
    Conclusion A short-term forest environment exposure can significantly improve the cardiovascular, respiratory, and psychological health of people, including lowering blood pressure, increasing lung capacity, and lifting mood.


