郝丽鑫, 王柳森, 王邵顺子, 李惟怡, 王惠君, 张兵, 丁钢强, 姜红如, 王志宏. 2018年我国15个省份18~64岁成年人膳食镁摄入现状及其主要食物来源[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2022, 39(9): 962-967. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22073
引用本文: 郝丽鑫, 王柳森, 王邵顺子, 李惟怡, 王惠君, 张兵, 丁钢强, 姜红如, 王志宏. 2018年我国15个省份18~64岁成年人膳食镁摄入现状及其主要食物来源[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2022, 39(9): 962-967. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22073
HAO Lixin, WANG Liusen, WANG Shaoshunzi, LI Weiyi, WANG Huijun, ZHANG Bing, DING Gangqiang, JIANG Hongru, WANG Zhihong. Dietary magnesium intake status and main food sources of adults aged 18-64 in 15 provincial-level administrative regions in China, 2018[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2022, 39(9): 962-967. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22073
Citation: HAO Lixin, WANG Liusen, WANG Shaoshunzi, LI Weiyi, WANG Huijun, ZHANG Bing, DING Gangqiang, JIANG Hongru, WANG Zhihong. Dietary magnesium intake status and main food sources of adults aged 18-64 in 15 provincial-level administrative regions in China, 2018[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2022, 39(9): 962-967. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22073


Dietary magnesium intake status and main food sources of adults aged 18-64 in 15 provincial-level administrative regions in China, 2018

  • 摘要:
    背景  全球膳食镁不足问题普遍且严重危害健康。我国膳食镁摄入相关研究较少,膳食干预缺乏科学支撑。
    目的  探究2018年我国18~64岁成年人膳食镁摄入水平及其食物来源,发现镁摄入可能存在的问题。
    方法  选取2018年“中国健康与营养调查”中9181名18~64岁成年人作为研究对象。利用连续“3天24小时”膳食回顾和家庭调味品称重法收集食物摄入种类和摄入量,利用食物成分表计算个体平均每日膳食镁摄入量之和。采用多因素logistic回归分析人口经济学特征与镁摄入不足的关系。
    结果  2018年我国15个省(自治区、直辖市)18~64岁成年人膳食镁日摄入量P50P25P75)为252.28(196.25,326.27)mg。膳食镁摄入不足的人群比例为60.9%,女性、18~49岁组、城市、南方、西部居民膳食镁摄入不足比例较高,分别为66.4%、63.4%、62.4%、65.2%和68.3%。多因素logistic回归分析显示,成年女性较男性、城市居民较农村居民、南方居民较北方居民膳食镁摄入不足发生风险分别增加64.6%、24.6%、43.6%(OR=1.646,95%CI:1.509~1.794;OR=1.246,95%CI:1.126~1.379;OR=1.436,95%CI:1.311~1.573);50~64岁组膳食镁摄入不足发生风险较18~49岁组低15.7%(OR=0.843,95%CI:0.771~0.921);中部、西部居民镁摄入不足发生风险是东部居民的1.202倍和1.590倍(OR=1.202,95%CI:1.079~1.340;OR=1.590,95%CI:1.424~1.776)。未观察到教育水平和收入水平差异对镁摄入不足的影响(P>0.05)。研究对象膳食镁41.4%来源于谷类及制品(来源第1位),仅2.4%来源于镁含量丰富的深色蔬菜(来源第6位)。男性和女性前6位膳食镁来源相同。来源于谷类及制品的膳食镁占比,农村居民较城市居民高6.3%,北方居民较南方居民高9.3%。来源于畜肉类及制品的膳食镁占比,18~49岁组较50~64岁年龄组高1.3%,城市居民较农村居民高0.9%,西部居民较东部居民高1.6%。
    结论  我国居民膳食镁摄入普遍不足,膳食镁来源不合理。女性、18~49岁、城市、南方、中部和西部居民是膳食镁摄入不足的高危人群。鼓励居民多吃深色蔬菜和全谷物食物;女性应当提高膳食质量,重视各类富含镁的食物摄入;南方、城市居民应当增加全谷物摄入,避免食物过于精制;18~49岁、城市、西部居民应当调整膳食结构,减少肉类食物摄入。


    Background Global dietary magnesium insufficiency is widespread and seriously harmful to human health. There are few studies on dietary magnesium intake in China, and associated dietary intervention lacks scientific support.
    Objective To explore the dietary magnesium intake level and food sources of Chinese adults aged 18-64 in 2018, and to identify the problems of dietary magnesium intake.
    Methods A total of 9181 residents in the 2018 "China Health and Nutrition Survey" were selected as the study subjects. Types and intake of food collected from consecutive 3-day 24-hour dietary recalls and by household condiment weighing and counting method. The average daily dietary magnesium intake and the composition of main food sources were calculated using the food composition table. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyze the relationship between socioeconomic factors and insufficient dietary magnesium intake.
    Results In 2018, the daily intake of magnesium in P50 (P25, P75) of adults aged 18-64 in 15 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) of China was 252.28 (196.25, 326.27) mg. The proportion of residents with insufficient dietary magnesium intake was 60.9%. The proportions of women, adults aged 18-49, urban residents, southern region residents, and western regions residents with insufficient dietary magnesium intake were 66.4%, 63.4%, 62.4%, 65.2%, and 68.3%, respectively. The results of multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the risks of insufficient dietary magnesium intake were 64.6%, 24.6%, and 43.6% higher in women, urban residents, and southern region residents than those in men, rural residents, and northern region residents, respectively (OR=1.646, 95%CI: 1.509-1.794; OR=1.246, 95%CI: 1.126-1.379; OR=1.436, 95%CI: 1.311-1.573); the risk of insufficient dietary magnesium intake in residents aged 50-64 was 15.7% lower than that in residents aged 18-49 (OR=0.843, 95%CI: 0.771-0.921); the risks of insufficient magnesium intake in residents in middle and western areas were 1.202 times and 1.590 times of that in residents in eastern area (OR=1.202, 95%CI: 1.079-1.340; OR=1.590, 95%CI: 1.424-1.776). The effect of education level and income level on magnesium intake insufficiency was not observed (P>0.05). In addition, 41.4% of dietary magnesium of the subjects came from cereals and products (ranking first in food sources), and only 2.4% from dark vegetables with rich magnesium content (ranking sixth place). The top six dietary magnesium sources of men and women were the same. The proportion of dietary magnesium from cereals and products was 6.3% higher in rural residents than in urban residents, and 9.3% higher in residents living in northern regions than those in southern regions. The proportion of dietary magnesium from livestock meat and products was 1.3% higher in the 18-49 age group than in the 50-64 age group, 0.9% higher in urban residents than in rural residents, and 1.6% higher in western region residents than in eastern region residents.
    Conclusion The dietary magnesium intake of Chinese residents is generally insufficient, and the source of dietary magnesium is irrational. Women, residents aged 18-49, residents in southern, middle, and western areas are high-risk populations of dietary magnesium insufficiency. Chinese residents are encouraged to eat more dark vegetables and whole grain food; women should improve their dietary quality and intake diverse magnesium-rich food; southern region residents and urban residents should increase the intake of whole grains and avoid over refining food; residents aged 18-49, urban residents, and those in western regions should adjust their dietary structure and reduce meat intake.


