柏红梅, 李立康, 蒋梦颖, 王育帅. 海南省某企业职工吸烟行为综合干预模式效果评价[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2018, 35(9): 835-840. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2018.18272
引用本文: 柏红梅, 李立康, 蒋梦颖, 王育帅. 海南省某企业职工吸烟行为综合干预模式效果评价[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2018, 35(9): 835-840. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2018.18272
BAI Hong-mei, LI Li-kang, JIANG Meng-ying, WANG Yu-shuai. Effect evaluation of comprehensive intervention on smoking behavior among employees in an enterprise in Hainan Province[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2018, 35(9): 835-840. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2018.18272
Citation: BAI Hong-mei, LI Li-kang, JIANG Meng-ying, WANG Yu-shuai. Effect evaluation of comprehensive intervention on smoking behavior among employees in an enterprise in Hainan Province[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2018, 35(9): 835-840. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2018.18272


Effect evaluation of comprehensive intervention on smoking behavior among employees in an enterprise in Hainan Province

  • 摘要:
    目的 评价控烟项目的干预效果,提高员工对吸烟健康危害的认知,降低吸烟率。

    方法 采取整群分层随机抽样方法,通过车间、人员两级随机抽样,抽取某企业660名职工进行问卷调查,运用"讲座+咨询+一氧化碳检测+药物发放"模式对其进行为期6个月的干预,对干预前后吸烟情况、每日吸烟者醒后吸第一支烟的时间分布、戒烟意愿及戒烟帮助情况、烟草知识知晓情况等数据进行比对分析。

    结果 干预前、后吸烟率为32.9%、28.0%,差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.406,P>0.05);戒烟率为14.3%、27.2%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.412,P < 0.05)。干预前后年龄组为18~25岁、月收入在4 001~6 000元人群吸烟率均为最高。通过对干预前后130名每日吸烟者"早晨醒来后吸第一支烟"的时间分布研究发现,6个月(4-9月)强化干预后每日吸烟者每天早晨醒来后30 min内吸第一支烟的比例比干预前略高(51.5%、50.8%),而且5 min内吸第一支烟的比例较干预前也增加(14.6%,8.5%),说明对于每日吸烟者,短时间内烟草依赖干预效果不明显。但干预后现在吸烟者中尝试戒烟、考虑戒烟的比例(41.7%、48.5%)均高于干预前(22.9%、40.1%);干预后知晓海南省设置12320戒烟热线和综合性大医院设置戒烟门诊的人群比例(72.4%、73.0%)也分别比干预前大幅度增加(11.5%、12.5%)(P < 0.001)。且干预后,职工对"低焦油卷烟的危害和一般卷烟差不多"的正确认知率(28.8%)明显高于干预前(18.7%);认为吸烟与中风、心脏病发作、阳痿有关者的比例明显升高,认为被动吸烟与成人心脏疾病、儿童肺部疾病和成人肺癌有关者的比例亦明显升高,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.001)。

    结论 干预后6个月内海南某企业职工吸烟率下降,戒烟率上升。"讲座+咨询+一氧化碳检测+药物发放"的四联戒烟综合干预模式值得推广。


    Objective To evaluate the effect of an intervention on tobacco control, aiming to improve employees' awareness of the health risks of smoking and reduce smoking rate.

    Methods By cluster workshop-stratified random sampling method, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 660 employees in an enterprise. A six-month intervention program was carried out using a combination mode of "lecture+consultation+carbon monoxide monitoring+medicine delivery". Statistical analysis was performed for smoking rate, time distribution of smoking the first cigarette after waking up, intention of smoking cessation, help for smoking cessation, and knowledge of tobacco before and after the intervention.

    Results The smoking rates before and after the intervention were 32.9% and 28.0% respectively (χ2=3.406, P>0.05); the smoking cessation rates were 14.3% and 27.2% respectively (χ2=11.412, P < 0.05). Both before and after the intervention, the 18-25 years age group and the group with monthly income of 4 001-6 000 yuan showed the highest rates of smoking. Of the 130 smokers who smoked every day, after the six-month (from April to September) intensive intervention, the percentage of those who reported smoking the first cigarette within 30 min after waking up every morning (51.5%) was slightly higher than the percentage before the intervention (50.8%), so was the percentage within 5 min (before:8.5%; after:14.6%), indicating that for the daily smokers, intervention programs targeting tobacco dependence were not effective in a short time. However, the percentages of current smokers who attempted (41.7%) and intended (48.5%) to quit smoking after the intervention were higher than before (22.9% and 40.1% respectively); the numbers of smokers who knew the 12320 smoking cessation hotline (72.4%) and smoking cessation clinics in comprehensive hospitals (73.0%) after the intervention were also higher than before (11.5% and 12.5% respectively) (P < 0.001). In addition, the workers' correct awareness rate of the item that "the harm of low-tar cigarettes is similar to that of conventional cigarettes" after the intervention (28.8%) was obviously higher than that before the intervention (18.7%). More workers after the intervention believed that smoking is related to stroke, heart attack, and impotence than before, and more believed that passive smoking is associated with adult heart disease, children's lung disease, and adult lung cancer (P < 0.001).

    Conclusion Six months after the intervention, the smoking rate is decreased and the smoking cessation rate is increased among the selected employees in Hainan. The comprehensive intervention mode of "lecture+consultation+carbon monoxide detection+drug delivery" is worth promoting.


