张莹, 马宇熙, 张勇, 阿巴百克力·阿不力米提, 郝文渊, 杨浩峰. 2021—2022年西北某城市地铁环境空气质量调查研究[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2023, 40(11): 1290-1296. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23034
引用本文: 张莹, 马宇熙, 张勇, 阿巴百克力·阿不力米提, 郝文渊, 杨浩峰. 2021—2022年西北某城市地铁环境空气质量调查研究[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2023, 40(11): 1290-1296. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23034
ZHANG Ying, MA Yuxi, ZHANG Yong, Ababaikeli ABULIMITI, HAO Wenyuan, YANG Haofeng. Air quality of metro system in a northwestern city of China from 2021 to 2022[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2023, 40(11): 1290-1296. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23034
Citation: ZHANG Ying, MA Yuxi, ZHANG Yong, Ababaikeli ABULIMITI, HAO Wenyuan, YANG Haofeng. Air quality of metro system in a northwestern city of China from 2021 to 2022[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2023, 40(11): 1290-1296. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM23034


Air quality of metro system in a northwestern city of China from 2021 to 2022

  • 摘要:
    背景 城市地铁站多位于地下,空间相对封闭,通风换气不足,人群密集复杂,存在较高的卫生隐患。
    目的 了解某市地铁一号线空气质量状况,为防治有害因素和保障乘客健康提供建议和依据。
    方法 于2021年夏季(7~8月)和2022年冬季(1~2月)在某市地铁一号线站厅、站台、车厢分别开展空气质量监测。分层抽样选取6个站点,每个站点于早高峰时段(9:00—11:00)、平峰时段(11:00—13:00)、晚高峰时段(19:00—21:00)连续监测3 d,车厢监测频次相同。监测指标包括物理因素:温度、相对湿度、风速、照度、噪声;化学因素:一氧化碳、二氧化碳、可吸入颗粒物、甲醛、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、氨、臭氧;生物因素:空气细菌总数;辐射因素:氡。监测结果按照不同位置、不同时段和季节进行比较和讨论。
    结果 根据GB 37488—2019《公共场所卫生指标及限值要求》,某市地铁一号线物理因素多不符合要求,特别是站厅、站台、车厢的温度、相对湿度以及车厢风速、噪声。物理因素在不同位置有差异(P<0.05),其中夏季不同位置中车厢温度最低,MP25P75)为23.9(23.3,24.6)℃,车厢风速及噪声最高,分别是0.78(0.37,1.11)m·s−1、76.0(72.0,80.3)dB;冬季不同位置中站厅、站台温度最低,分别为16.2(13.2,17.2)℃、16.2(13.4,17.0)℃,车厢相对湿度最低,为26.4%(24.2%,27.9%),车厢风速和噪声最高,分别是0.83(0.47,1.18)m·s−1、74.5(70.1,78.3)dB。物理因素在不同时段有差异(P<0.05),夏季不同时段中早高峰、平峰时段温度较低,分别是24.0(23.0,24.8)℃、24.2(23.2,24.9)℃,晚高峰时段相对湿度较低,为41.9%(37.0%,47.8%);冬季不同时段中早高峰、晚高峰时段温度最低,分别是16.8(13.4,19.7)℃、16.5(15.1,19.4)℃,平峰时段相对湿度最低,为26.8%(24.7%,28.6%),晚高峰时段风速最高,为0.28(0.19,0.51)m·s−1。化学因素、生物因素及辐射因素均符合GB 37488—2019的要求。
    结论 某市地铁一号线监测指标中化学因素、生物因素和辐射因素基本都能达到GB 37488—2019《公共场所卫生指标及限值要求》,物理因素中温度、相对湿度以及风速、噪声多不达标,建议地铁方面充分使用空调系统,辅以加湿设备,调节温度和相对湿度。列车内工作人员应通过合理安排工作时间、配备防噪耳塞等措施预防噪声危害。


    Background Most metro system are underground, airtight, with inadequate ventilation and massive gatherings, posing health risks to metro riders.
    Objective To evaluate air quality of Metro Line 1 in a city, and provide suggestions and basis for preventing harmful factors and protecting the health of passengers.
    Methods Station halls, station platforms, and metro carriages of Metro Line 1 in a city were monitored in summer (from July to August in 2021) and winter (from January to February in 2022). Six metro stations were selected by stratified sampling. Each station and carriage were monitored for three consecutive days in rush hours (9:00–11:00 and 19:00–21:00) and non-rush hours (11:00–13:00), with the same monitoring frequency. The monitored indicators were physical factors (temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, illumination, and noise), chemical factors (carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, inhalable particles, formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene, ammonia, and ozone), biological factor (airborne total bacterial count), and radiation factor (radon). The monitoring results were compared by location, time period, and season.
    Results According to the Hygienic indicators and limits for public places (GB 37488—2019), the selected physical factors did not meet the standard, especially the temperature and relative humidity of station hall and platform, and wind speed and noise of carriage. The results of physical factors varied significantly by location (P<0.05). In summer, the temperature of carriage M (P25, P75), 23.9 (23.3, 24.6)℃ was the lowest, and the wind speed 0.78 (0.37, 1.11) m·s−1 and noise 76.0 (72.0, 80.3) dB of carriage were the highest; in winter, the temperatures of station hall and platform were the lowest 16.2 (13.2, 17.2)℃ and 16.2 (13.4, 17.0)℃, respectively, the relative humidity of carriage 26.4% (24.2%, 27.9%) was the lowest, and the wind speed and noise of carriage were the highest 0.83 (0.47, 1.18) m·s−1 and 74.5 (70.1, 78.3) dB, respectively. The physical factors varied significantly by time period (P<0.05). In summer, the temperature was the lowest during morning rush hours 24.0 (23.0, 24.8)℃ and non-rush hours 24.2 (23.2, 24.9)℃, and the relative humidity during evening rush hours was the lowest 41.9% (37.0%, 47.8%); in winter, the temperature was the lowest during morning and evening rush hours 16.8 (13.4, 19.7)℃ and 16.5 (15.1, 19.4)℃, respectively, the relative humidity during the non-rush period was the lowest 26.8% (24.7%, 28.6%), and the wind speed during evening rush hours was the highest 0.28 (0.19, 0.51) m·s−1. All measured chemical factors, biological factor, and radiation factor met the national standard (GB 37488—2019).
    Conclusion The chemical, biological, and radiative factors are complied with the national standard (GB 37488—2019) except physical factors such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and noise. We suggest that the metro operators make full use of air conditioning system in combination with humidifiers to better regulate temperature and relative humidity, and .arrange working hours reasonably and provide noise-proof earplugs for carriage staff to protect against noise hazard.


