韩泽, 赵小雨, 许宗锴, 王金麒, 金瑞, 刘玥叡静, 陶丽新. 空气污染物时间加权个体暴露与颈动脉内中膜厚度的关系[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2023, 40(3): 289-295, 303. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22368
引用本文: 韩泽, 赵小雨, 许宗锴, 王金麒, 金瑞, 刘玥叡静, 陶丽新. 空气污染物时间加权个体暴露与颈动脉内中膜厚度的关系[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2023, 40(3): 289-295, 303. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22368
HAN Ze, ZHAO Xiaoyu, XU Zongkai, WANG Jinqi, JIN Rui, LIU Yueruijing, TAO Lixin. Association between time-weighted individual exposure to ambient pollutants and carotid intima-media thickness[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2023, 40(3): 289-295, 303. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22368
Citation: HAN Ze, ZHAO Xiaoyu, XU Zongkai, WANG Jinqi, JIN Rui, LIU Yueruijing, TAO Lixin. Association between time-weighted individual exposure to ambient pollutants and carotid intima-media thickness[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2023, 40(3): 289-295, 303. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22368


Association between time-weighted individual exposure to ambient pollutants and carotid intima-media thickness

  • 摘要:
    背景 目前空气污染与颈动脉内中膜厚度(CIMT)关系的研究结果不一致,气态污染物与CIMT关系的研究较少。此外,在进行个体污染物暴露估计时大部分研究多未考虑研究个体活动模式以及室外来源的室内污染,缺乏对研究个体污染物暴露浓度的详细估算。
    目的 探讨细颗粒物(PM2.5)、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)、二氧化氮(NO2)、二氧化硫(SO2)、臭氧(O3)、一氧化碳(CO)六种空气污染物长期时间加权个体暴露与CIMT进展的关系。
    方法 本研究基于554名来自北京健康管理队列的基线无颈动脉粥样硬化病变的研究个体。采用土地利用回归模型分别预测研究个体家庭地址和工作单位地址污染物日均浓度,同时考虑个体在家和在单位室内外活动模式以及交通出行过程中的暴露,计算个体时间加权污染物暴露浓度。室内暴露以室外污染物渗透进入室内进行估计(基于渗透因子和土地利用回归模型预测的浓度);活动模式包括运动类型、时间、地点和频率;交通出行过程中的暴露由在家和工作单位室外污染物平均浓度结合渗透因子和出行时间近似估计。采用多重线性回归探讨时间加权污染物个体暴露浓度对CIMT进展中心位置的影响,采用分位数回归探讨不同百分位数下时间加权污染物个体暴露浓度与CIMT进展的关系。
    结果 研究人群CIMT进展中位数为369.49 μm·年−1。多重线性回归结果显示PM2.5、PM10、SO2和O3与CIMT进展有关:PM2.5、PM10和SO2一年暴露的效应值最大,回归系数分别为66.910、64.077和191.070;O3两年暴露的效应值最大,回归系数为62.197。分位数回归结果表明不同百分位数下污染物暴露对CIMT进展的效应不同:PM2.5P30~P50)、CO(P10~P40)和PM10P30~P60)与CIMT进展有关联,两年和三年的NO2暴露(P10P20P40)与CIMT进展存在关联;在所有百分位数上都观察到SO2对CIMT进展的有害效应,且随着百分位数升高,一年和两年SO2暴露的回归系数增大(P90除外),在P50~P80回归系数升高趋势尤其明显,两年SO2暴露的回归系数从136.583(P50)上升到277.330(P80);在所有百分位数下O3与CIMT进展的关系均无统计学意义(P>0.05),与多重线性回归结果不一致。
    结论 PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2和CO的时间加权暴露对CIMT进展具有促进作用,个体污染物暴露对动脉粥样硬化病变进展存在有害效应。


    Background Evidence about the association between air pollution and carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) is inconsistent, and limited studies have explored the relationship between gaseous pollutants and CIMT. Additionally, personal activity patterns and infiltrated ambient pollution are not comprehensively considered to estimate individual exposure to air pollutants.
    Objective To investigate the relationship between long-term time-weighted individual exposure to ambient pollutants fine particulate matter (PM2.5), inhalable particulate matter (PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and carbon monoxide (CO) and the progression of CIMT.
    Methods This study was performed among 554 participants in the Beijing Health Management Cohort who were free of atherosclerotic lesions on carotid artery at baseline. Daily concentrations of pollutants were predicted at both residential and work addresses based on land-use regression model. With additional consideration of personal indoor and outdoor activity patterns at both addresses and exposure to ambient pollutants from traffic transportation, individual time-weighted concentration was calculated. Indoor exposure was estimated by infiltrated ambient pollutants (based on infiltration factors and land-use regression model). Personal activity patterns included type, time, location, and frequency. Exposure to ambient pollutants from different traffic transportations was estimated by the average outdoor pollutant concentrations at both residential and work addresses combined within filtration factors and time spent on commuting. Multiple linear regression was conducted to assess the association of time-weighted individual pollutant exposure and the central position of CIMT progression. Quantile regression was applied to explore the relationship between time-weighted individual pollutant exposure and the progression of CIMT on different percentiles.
    Results The median value of CIMT progression was 369.49 μm·year−1. PM2.5, PM10, SO2, and O3 were associated with CIMT progression in the multiple linear regression model. The largest effect sizes of PM2.5, PM10, and SO2 were obtained for one-year exposure (regression coefficient: 66.910, 64.077, and 191.070, respectively), and two-year exposure for O3 (regression coefficient: 62.197). The results of quantile regression demonstrated different effect sizes for pollutants among different percentiles on CIMT progression. Significant associations between CIMT progression and PM2.5 from P30 to P50, CO from P10 to P40, and PM10 from P30 to P60 were observed. Two-year and three-year exposures to NO2 (P10, P20 and P40) were also associated with CIMT progression. The association between SO2 and the progression of CIMT was proved on all percentiles, and larger effect sizes of one-year and two-year exposures to SO2 (except P90) were demonstrated with increasing percentiles. The upward trend for the coefficients was clearly presented from P50 to P80. Specifically, the coefficient of two-year exposure to SO2 ranged from 136.583 (P50) to 277.330 (P80). No statistically significant association was observed between O3 and CIMT progression on any percentile (P>0.05), and the results were inconsistent with those of the multiple linear regression.
    Conclusion Individual time-weighted exposures to PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, and CO have the potential to promote the progression of CIMT, and the adverse effect of ambient pollution on atherosclerotic lesion is identified.


