杜英林, 张晓, 周汝彬, 王燕, 江媛媛, 王德军, 高衍新. 聊城市理发美容场所空气中常见化学污染物暴露特征及从业人员健康风险评估[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2023, 40(3): 342-348. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22241
引用本文: 杜英林, 张晓, 周汝彬, 王燕, 江媛媛, 王德军, 高衍新. 聊城市理发美容场所空气中常见化学污染物暴露特征及从业人员健康风险评估[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2023, 40(3): 342-348. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22241
DU Yinglin, ZHANG Xiao, ZHOU Rubin, WANG Yan, JIANG Yuanyuan, WANG Dejun, GAO Yanxin. Exposure characteristics of common chemical pollutants and health risk assessment in indoor air of barber shops and beauty salons in Liaocheng City[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2023, 40(3): 342-348. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22241
Citation: DU Yinglin, ZHANG Xiao, ZHOU Rubin, WANG Yan, JIANG Yuanyuan, WANG Dejun, GAO Yanxin. Exposure characteristics of common chemical pollutants and health risk assessment in indoor air of barber shops and beauty salons in Liaocheng City[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2023, 40(3): 342-348. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22241


Exposure characteristics of common chemical pollutants and health risk assessment in indoor air of barber shops and beauty salons in Liaocheng City

  • 摘要:
    背景 公共场所室内空气中存在的甲醛、氨、苯、甲苯、二甲苯已被证实可对人体造成健康损害。理发店、美容店的从业人员长时间暴露于相对封闭的室内空间中,可能面临更加严重的污染物健康危害。
    目的 分析聊城市理发美容场所室内空气中主要化学污染物浓度,探讨特征污染物对从业人员的健康影响。
    方法 采用分层随机化抽样的方法,在山东省聊城市主城区选择理发店8~10家、美容店5~10家,于2016—2021年每年冬季和夏季各开展一次公共场所卫生状况监测;对各场所室内空气中甲醛、氨、苯、甲苯、二甲苯的浓度进行监测;同时,对从业人员开展工作情况问卷调查,掌握从业人员室内污染物的暴露特征。利用6年的监测数据,分析5种化学污染物的浓度分布特点,并运用美国国家环境保护署健康风险模型,开展从业人员吸入途径健康风险评估。
    结果 2016—2021年两类场所中甲醛、氨、苯、甲苯、二甲苯5种污染物浓度中位数均低于《公共场所卫生指标及限值要求》(GB 37488—2019)的标准限值,但部分监测点的浓度较高存在超标现象;理发店超标率分别为16.8%、2.7%、2.4%、6.4%和12.0%;美容店甲醛超标率最高为22.0%,氨、甲苯、二甲苯超标率为1.3%、2.0%和2.0%。两类场所中甲醛和苯均存在致癌风险(CR),CR中位数均大于1.0×10−6,且最大值均大于1.0×10−4。理发店和美容店室内空气中对从业人员慢性非致癌风险最高的危害因素是甲醛,其风险值危害商(HQ)中位数均大于1,且HQ最大值是标准限值的16.72、12.19倍;非致癌风险最低的是氨和甲苯,HQ最大值均小于1;苯、二甲苯HQ中位数均远小于1,但理发店的HQ最大值均大于1。
    结论 甲醛和苯应作为聊城市理发美容场所空气中优先控制的重点污染物,其中甲醛对从业人员的健康危害最严重,应予以高度关注并采取必要措施降低其危害;苯存在一定的致癌风险,其部分最高值致癌风险超过10−4情况,高于推荐安全阈值。


    Background The presence of formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, toluene, and xylene in indoor air of public places has been confirmed to cause health damage. The employees of barber and beauty shops are exposed to relatively enclosed space for a long time, and could surfer more serious health risks from indoor air chemical pollutants.
    Objective To analyze the concentrations of common indoor air chemical pollutants in barber shops and beauty salons in Liaocheng City, and explore potential health risks of the pollutants for employees.
    Methods Using a stratified randomized sampling method, 8 to 10 barber shops and 5 to 10 beauty salons were selected in the main urban area of Liaocheng City to conduct monitoring of the sanitary conditions of public places in winter and summer every year from 2016 to 2021; the indoor air concentrations of formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, toluene, and xylene in the selected sites were measured, and a questionnaire survey was conducted to collect exposure characteristics of indoor pollutants. The concentration distributions of the five chemical pollutants were obtained from the monitoring data for 6 consecutive years, and the health risk assessment model recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was used to perform health risk assessment of inhalation exposure.
    Results In 2016–2021, the median indoor air concentrations of formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, toluene, and xylene in the two types of sites were lower than the limits of Hygienic Indicators and Limits for Public Places (GB 37488-2019), but the concentrations of some monitoring sites were higher than the limits. The disqualification rates of the five pollutants in the barber shops were 16.8%, 2.7%, 2.4%, 6.4%, and 12.0%, respectively. The disqualification rate of formaldehyde was the highest in all pollutants (22.0%), while the disqualification rates of ammonia, toluene, and xylene were 1.3%, 2.0%, and 2.0% in beauty salons respectively. Both formaldehyde and benzene were found to have carcinogenic risks (CR) in the two types of public places. Both median values of CR were greater than 1.0×10−6, and both maximum values were greater than 1.0×10−4. Formaldehyde had the highest non-carcinogenic risk in the indoor air of barber shops and beauty salons. The median non-carcinogenic hazard quotients (HQ) of formaldehyde were both greater than 1, and the maximum values were 16.72 and 12.19 times of the standard value; ammonia and toluene had the lowest non-carcinogenic risks, and their maximum values of HQ were less than 1; the median HQs of benzene and xylene were far less than 1, but their maximum risk values of barber shop were greater than 1.
    Conclusion For the sake of worker's health, formaldehyde and benzene should be the indoor air pollutant control priority for barber shops and beauty salons in Liaocheng; formaldehyde poses the most serious health hazard to practitioners and should be given high attention and necessary measures to reduce the hazard; benzene poses certain carcinogenic risks, with some of its highest values exceeding 10−4, which is higher than the recommended safety threshold.


