宋晨, 李悦, 张亚京, 吴建平. 森林疗法对疲劳状态职业女性心理健康的改善效果[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2022, 39(2): 168-173. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM21467
引用本文: 宋晨, 李悦, 张亚京, 吴建平. 森林疗法对疲劳状态职业女性心理健康的改善效果[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2022, 39(2): 168-173. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM21467
SONG Chen, LI Yue, ZHANG Yajing, WU Jianping. Restorative effects of forest therapy on mental health of fatigued female office workers[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2022, 39(2): 168-173. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM21467
Citation: SONG Chen, LI Yue, ZHANG Yajing, WU Jianping. Restorative effects of forest therapy on mental health of fatigued female office workers[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2022, 39(2): 168-173. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM21467


Restorative effects of forest therapy on mental health of fatigued female office workers

  • 摘要:
    背景 职业女性因工作、生活压力易产生疲劳。自然环境对改善健康有积极效应,但目前研究较少关注到森林疗法对职业女性身心健康的影响。

    目的 探究森林疗法对疲劳状态职业女性心理健康的改善效果。

    方法 本研究选取城市和森林两种环境,共招募12名具有疲劳症状的受试者,随机分城市、森林两组,每组6人,平均年龄分别为24.7岁和28.4岁,均为公司员工,分别以简明心境量表、中文版压力自评量表、疲劳自评量表检测情绪、疲劳、压力状态,作为心理指标的基线值,得分越高分别表示消极情绪、疲劳和压力水平越高。森林组运用森林疗法(在森林环境中进行森林漫步和静坐)开展现场实验,城市组按照同样的时间段在城市环境中开展漫步和静坐。以唾液皮质醇作为生理指标,实验第1天采集基线生理指标;第2天进行现场实验和生理、心理指标采集,包括上午步行前的生理指标采集,步行后的生理、心理指标采集,下午静坐前和静坐期间的生理指标采集,静坐后的心理指标采集。活动结束一周后对受试者的情绪和疲劳状况进行追踪调查。采用Mann-Whitney U检验、Wilcoxon符号秩检验比较各指标的变化特征。

    结果 生理指标中,森林组上午步行前、后的唾液皮质醇浓度低于同一时间的基线值(均P=0.043),分别降低2.21、1.86 nmol·L-1;步行后、静坐第15分钟时森林组唾液皮质醇浓度的降幅有大于城市组的趋势(均P=0.068)。情绪指标中,在“疲劳”维度得分上,步行后森林组降幅有大于城市组的趋势(P=0.065),静坐后森林组降幅大于城市组(P=0.024);“活力”维度得分上,步行后森林组增幅有大于城市组的趋势(P=0.054),静坐后森林组增幅大于城市组(P=0.045);“总情绪紊乱”得分上,静坐后森林组降幅有大于城市组的趋势(P=0.054)。疲劳指标中,步行后和静坐后森林组“躯体疲劳”“精神疲劳”“疲劳后果”及“疲劳程度总分”的降幅均大于城市组(均P<0.05)。压力指标中,静坐后两组“失控感”“紧张感”和“压力总分”得分差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。一周后,两组在情绪、疲劳各维度得分变化的差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。

    结论 森林疗法对疲劳状态职业女性的负性情绪和疲劳症状具有调节作用,但短期的森林疗养效果持续时间有限。


    Background Female office workers are prone to fatigue due to work and life stress. The natural environment has a positive effect on health, but little research has focused on the effects of forest therapy on physical and mental health of female office workers.

    Objective To explore the effect of forest therapy on the mental health of fatigued female office workers.

    Methods In this study, two environments, urban and forest, were selected. A total of 12 subjects with fatigue were recruited and randomly divided into two groups, urban and forest, six subjects in each group, with mean ages of 24.7 and 28.4 years, respectively, all of whom were company employees. The Brief Mood Scale, the Chinese version of Stress Self-Rating Scale, and the Fatigue Self-Rating Scale were distributed to assess baseline psychological indexes of mood, fatigue, and stress status. Higher scores indicate higher levels of negative mood, fatigue, and stress, respectively. The forest group participated in an on-site experiment using forest therapy (forest walks and sits in a forest environment), and the urban group followed the same schedule as the forest group conducting walks and sits in an urban environment. Salivary cortisol was used as the physiological index. Baseline physiological indices were collected on the first day of the experiment, and the on-site forest therapy experiment and collecting physiological and psychological indices were conducted on the second day; physiological indices were collected in the morning before the walk and physiological and psychological indices were collected after the walk, physiological indices were collected in the afternoon before and during the sitting, and psychological indices were collected after the sitting. Subjects' mood and fatigue status were followed up one week after the activity. Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon signed rank test were used to assess the changes of the indicators.

    Results As to the physiological indicator, the salivary cortisol concentrations before and after the morning walk in the forest group were lower than the corresponding baseline values (both P=0.043); and the decreases were 2.21 and 1.86 nmol·L−1 respectively. Differences between groups showed a trend towards a greater decrease in salivary cortisol concentrations in the forest group than in the urban group after walking and at the 15 th min of sitting (both P=0.068). Among the mood indicators, the forest group showed a greater decrease than the urban group in fatigue dimension after walking (P=0.065) and after sitting (P=0.024); the forest group showed a greater decrease than the urban group in vitality dimension after walking (P=0.054) and after sitting (P=0.045); and the forest group showed a greater decrease than the urban group in "total mood disorder" after sitting (P=0.054). Among the fatigue indicators, the forest group showed a greater decrease in "physical fatigue", "mental fatigue", "consequences of fatigue", and "general fatigue" after walking and sitting than the urban group (all P<0.05). Among the stress indicators, there were not statistically significance of "tension", "loss of control", and "total stress score" between the two groups after sitting (bothP>0.05). After one week after the activity, there were not statistically significant differences of mood and fatigue between the two groups (bothP>0.05).

    Conclusion Forest therapy has a regulating effect on symptoms of negative mood, and fatigue in fatigued female office workers, but the effects of a short-term forest therapy last for a limited duration.


